Logbook entry

Well, I may as well start somewhere.

15 Aug 2016Hersilia
Cmdr Hersilia's Log.

Date: 15/08/3302

I've been out in the void for nearly a week now, and with limited comms with my wing mate, I thought I may as well start one of these things. So far I've not come across anything of real significance, a few water worlds and earth likes, the odd ammonia world. Other than that, I find myself staring into the Heart and Soul Nebulea for, well I don't really know how long. It's so beautiful out here, you can lose track of time so easily. It's so peaceful. No other reckless Cmdrs trying interdict you, no unwanted security checks. Nothing.

I don't really know what we are looking for, but I'm sure we will know when we find it. These systems are so barren that anything will stand out. I just have to make sure I don't try to land on another planet that is less than 5ls from a sun. My modules have taken some damage from that already, I can't let it happen again. I think maybe my eagerness to get out here and see this place for myself got the better of me. I'm pretty sure I've not prepared for this journey properly, but if I'm careful, I'll make it. The old woman that owned that beeping ship in Tionisla graveyard made it...right?

I'll make it...
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