Logbook entry

Exploring the EAFOTS Sytems and the Soul Nebula.

15 Aug 2016Hersilia
Cmdr Hersilia's Log
Date: 15/08/3302

It's been more of the same out here. Hardly anything to report of any significance. I only came across one Earth like world today, and the gas giants in this area of space are getting nearly the size of some of the suns in which they orbit. The amount of ammonia worlds I am finding is rising though. Still few and far between, but there is a definite increase.
I managed to make contact with my wing mate for a few minutes today. I made my concerns clear, that I have no idea what I am looking for out here. He agreed in part, saying that we may have jumped the gun a bit. Over estimating ourselves, but neither of us mentioned turning back. It would probably be the wisest thing to do, but instead we stayed silent for a while. Next thing I knew our comms had dropped again. That was around seven hours ago. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up comms with him again and actually find him, but for now. I'm still on my own.
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