Logbook entry

Hersilias Beginning

16 Aug 2016Hersilia
The shields sparked in waves of blue crashing across the cabin front. Shot after shot pummeled into the Cobra MK III. The ship twisted and spiraled erratically, trying to get its aggressor into the sights of its constantly spinning albeit un-firing multi-cannons. Fingers rattled across keys, searching from screen to screen for anyone out there. Only one name popped up. Hersilia - Cobra MK III. Herself. The scanner was void of ships, only rocks spinning gently on their own axis, as far as the eye could see. Another barrage on the shields. This time from the right hand side of the canopy. With a sharp left twist of the flight stick, the Cobra spun round to try and get some type of visual on this devious attacker. Hersilia saw a shadow flicker rapidly across the nearby asteroids.
"Who is this guy?" she thought to herself as she hit the boost button with her thumb. Her ship accelerated to near top speed, Hersilia pressed a second button.

"Flight assist off" the computer chimed. She forced the flight stick towards her chest, causing the Cobra to spin neatly on a pin head. She pressed the same button as before.

"Flight assist on"

"Where is he?!" she was starting to get desperate. Her ship was slowly being shot to pieces and she couldn't even find the person responsible.

"Incoming missile" the ship's computer sounded as if it really didn't care that it was about to become wires and circuitry floating around in an asteroid belt.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Hersilia breathed through gritted teeth. She glanced down at the scanner and could see the missile coming in, fast. 5 o'clock mark.

"There!" wild eyed and manic with fear and determination. She swung her ship around as fast as she could and readied up for action, multi-cannons still ever spinning. There he was, an imperial eagle, sleek black, hiding in amongst the shadows of the asteroids and the darkness of the void itself. Hersilias' eyes flared with anger, all sense of fear had dissipated, along with the memory that there was a seeker missile moments away from her battered hull. She pulled the trigger, hard. The ever-spinning multi-cannons unleashed a hail of armour piercing slugs in the direction of the imperial eagle. She wasn't in range, but she didn't care, she slammed the throttle to full and propelled the ship at an alarming rate towards the eagle. Finally the slugs found their target, a familiar gleam of blue surrounded the ship as it was peppered with the storm of multi-cannon bullets. Suddenly there was a loud bang.

"Shields offline" the computer decided to chime in again.

"Thrusters offline" Hersilias’ ship started to spin out of control. The missile had found it's target. It tumbled and spun uncontrollably. She shut her eyes, she had not yet become accustomed to high speed turns, let alone having a broken thruster at full speed. She was sure the imperial eagle would take this chance to finish her off, it felt like the spin was going on for ever, but it finally became controllable and she managed to bring it to a halt then looked around frantically. Where did that eagle go? Why hadn't he finished her off? She kicked the control panel out of frustration.

"Cargo scoop deployed."

"Oh piss off!" she pressed a button to retract it.

Sighing a deep sigh she slid back into her commander's’ chair not before she had gone to check the damage on the thrusters. One of them was basically offline all together, and was leaking fuel. She leaned over to a panel and tapped in some coordinates to the nearest station so she could make repairs. Slowly she moved the throttle forwards to see how the ship would maneuver. Its remaining engine strained under the weight of having to bare the burden of a full ship. The ship moved to the right, but with enough compensation, she thought she had got it to go in a straight line. It had to be enough, she had to go now. At the rate her fuel was dropping she would be empty in twenty minutes, then life support would kick in. She really didn't want that to happen. She gripped the throttle hard and pushed it to full, then flicked a couple of switches and sat back into her chair.

"Frame Shift Drive charging..." Her face was focused, she had to get back to be repaired. She had to find that imperial eagle.

Hersilia sighed a deep sigh and slid back into her commanders chair after she had gone to check the damage on the thrusters. One of them was basically offline all together, and she was leaking fuel. She leaned over to a panel and tapped in some coordinates to the nearest station so she could make repairs. Slowly she moved the throttle forwards to see how the ship would maneuver. Its remaining engine strained under the weight of having to bare the burden of a full ship. The ship moved to the right, but with enough compensation, she thought she had got it to go in a straight line.  It had to be enough, she had to go now, at the rate her fuel was dropping she would be empty in twenty minutes, then life support would kick in. She really didn't want that to happen. She gripped the throttle hard and pushed it to full, then flicked a couple of switches and sat back into her chair.

"Frame shift Drive, charging..." Hersilias face was focused, she had to get back and get repaired. She had to find that imperial eagle.
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