Logbook entry


16 Sep 2016Hersilia
A rhythmic clanging could be heard above the din of the hi-security sector in area 16 A of Daedalus's prison. Guards were closing the cell doors for the night, the doors rattled and rumbled shut causing the sound to  echo throughout the sector. Prisoners shouted their defiance as they were closed in. A fight broke out across the corridor between guard and prisoner. It was a common occurrence in places like this, spread throughout the Federation and it was usually ignored by all who weren't involved.

"You can't put me back! Please! No!" a tall skinny man had been seized by two guards. They were dragging him backwards along the floor as he shouted his protests. The heels of his feet carved two clean streaks along the tiled floor. Hersilia rested her head against the bars of her cell as she watched the man being dragged away. The expression on her face was solemn, angry and pained. The rhythmic clanging stopped as she looked to her new left hand, the once polished metal was now scratched and dripping with a viscous liquid. A feeling of rage swelled up within her, she span herself round facing the inside of the cell. The body of her cell mate lay on the floor in a dark pool. Mechanics whirred and clicked and she clenched and opened a fist. A step further inside, the shade of the cell covered her face causing her bright eyes to shine an all electric blue, there were no whites to her eyes. A chill in the air caught her causing the hair on her arms to stand upright. Her vision blurred from the feeling and before she knew it she was smashing her left arm into the bars of her cell over and over again. Her teeth clenched hard, the orange vest she had been forced to wear for security reasons had become torn and blackened within minutes of putting it on due to the inexperience she had with her new limb.

"Anything! Just something!" blood and spittle flew from her mouth as she screamed, she smashed the iron bars repeatedly until they were completely out of shape. Sparks flew from each contact of metal on metal, some of the sparks landed on her pale skin, burning small dark circles where they had laid to rest. She ignored them as her demeanor darkened and pace slowed. She slumped to her knees, tears rolled down her face, she lifted both of her hands and gazed at them in disbelief. The contrast between soft pale skin and hard, scratched black metal, along with the knowledge that it was now a permanent feature, sickened her.

"Just feel something..." she wept. The augment twitched in unruly response.
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