Logbook entry


19 Sep 2016Hersilia
Hersilia sat with her elbows on her knees in the rear corner of a dark, wet cell. Eyes closed she listened, waiting patiently. She could hear the sound of water dripping onto the wet floor, distant clanging of iron doors and muffled screams of other prisoners. Her mind tried to focus on the former. The latter was a reminder of her own screams as rough hands dragged her, stunned and panicked, freshly from the medical bay.


A woman on the floor. A sharp pain in the neck. Welcomed by darkness.


The pungent smell of a murky cologne had roused her. The skin around her left elbow had felt painful and raw. She had been confused of her surroundings. Her vision a blur and still, with the lingering feeling of rough hands around her shoulders, she tried to sit up. Although a heavy force stopped her.


"You ain't goin' anywhere.." a deep, gut-wrenching voice came from above her. Suddenly huge hands started to pull at her clothing. A bright orange tank-top along with matching track-suit pants. The cologne grew stronger, forcing Hersilia to keep her last meal down. She struck out, her right hand pushed at where she thought her attackers face would be, causing a deep laugh to erupt from the figure. She panicked, her left arm was too heavy, she could hardly move it. She couldn't feel her hand, her lower arm.

Please!...I didn't do it!...

She fought back against the huge figure above as hard as she could. Legs thrashing, her fingers reaching up, trying to cause some type of optical damage. The grip on her was strong, she couldn't fight against the weight. Suddenly, her left arm twitched, smashing directly into the side of the figures head then slamming him into the wall. A sickening crack announced that the figures skull had shattered. Fondling hands ceased and fell limp, the figures' head rested against the wall, caught in a slight blood filled dent in the concrete caused by their own skull. Hersilia pulled herself to her feet and stared at the new left arm, ignoring her assailant for the time being. Fresh blood dripped from the new shining black metal.

A loud bang signified that the large, four inch thick iron door to her cell had been opened. A sense of artificial light blazed down upon her eyelids, causing the peaceful darkness to turn to a chaotic red. Slowly, her eyes opened trying to adjust to the bright light.

"Get up, time for your appearance in court, murderer." the silhouette in the door demanded, it held what seemed to be an automatic rifle. A deep sigh escaped Hersilias lips. She turned to the right and she let her glassy gaze fall on the figure next to her. His dead eyes stared straight back into hers. Dark, dry, crusted blood marked a fatal head wound. His body sat in a dark pool of his own makings mixed with the trickling blood from the wall. She sneered and forced herself to stand, her back to the figure on the floor. She coughed, hacking something up from her lung, turned and spat it towards the corpse. She smirked grimly to herself as it splatted against his face.

"Fuck you..." she murmured under her breath, as huge chains were wrapped around her ankles and wrists.
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