Logbook entry


18 Dec 2016Hersilia
A golden asp explorer gracefully flew inside the mailslot of Onnes Gateway. The bright lights of the station reflected off the sharp angles of the ship, sending out blinding beams of light in different directions. The golden craft glided into the center of the station with a dull low rumble which announced its entrance. Slowly it came to a halt and as it descended downwards the landing gear came down with a whirring thunk. Below, crewmen scattered over the landing-pad like ants, they gathered materials and moved them out of the way of the hastily landing ship. The last object, an empty cargo crate was moved out of the way just in time as the shadow of the landing strut grew larger and larger above it before banging loudly on the metal surface of the pad. The engines hissed as they spooled down and immediately started to cool. Nearly as instantaneous as the landing had been the entry ramp smoothly lowered, it stopped, hovering just above the ground so not to scratch the golden paint. A couple of minutes passed before two figures emerged at the top of the ramp and slowly made their way down.

The air within the Inquisitors office could be described more as a smokey fog. The ashtray on the dark oak desk smouldered, a special kind of Kamirta cigar sat within, sending up thin wisps of smoke into the smog above. A deep chested cough came from a deep red leather chair sat at the appropriate side of the desk. Two boot bound feet plopped onto the desk and there was a creaking sound of leather and wood. Peace. A privilege an Inquisitor seldom receives.  He sighed as he realised that his Kamitra cigar was out of reach. He had been working all day and was mentally and physically drained. Suddenly a bright beam of light shone through his office window, piercing through the vale of smoke and causing him to squint and shield his eyes. The beam moved letting him be able to peer out. Niatra in his golden Asp. He had thought as much. Smirking to himself he picked up his cigar and took a long, soothing drag.He thought about his duties as he held it in. Not being able to tear himself away from his work, even during his times of respite. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Rolling his eyes in annoyance that someone was interrupting his first time of peace for the day, he spoke for them to enter. The door opened to reveal a new recruit, a young lad by the name of Finn. He coughed as he entered the room, like most of the members of the Paladins did. The Inquisitor smiled, he liked Finn.

"Niatra has arrived...sir" Finn looked thoughtful, coughed slightly again and said;

"He has someone with him." The Inquisitors expression changed from cheer to concern and curiousness. With a scrape of wood on metal he pushed his chair backwards to stand up and thoughtfully walked over to Finn in silence. Studying him for a moment the Inquisitor turned to face the window. A moment passed as he gazed out into the busy populace of Onnes Gateway.  Finn stayed close to the door where the air was clearer and easier to breathe but kept an eye on the Inquisitors movements.

"Do you think I wont be the newest recruit anymore?" Finn said hopefully. As Finn spoke the Inquisitor looked down to Niatras' designated landing pad and sure enough he saw two figures making their way slowly down the walkway. One he instantly recognised as Niatra the other was hooded and dressed in what he could only guess were desert robes. Niatra seemed to be supporting the robed figures left side, their walk was off. He made a slight motion with his hand, a tiny sensor pad on the wrist registered the specific movement as an order for medical units to be sent to the medbay. With his back still to Finn, he finally spoke. There was a quirkiness to how he said it, maybe it was the cigar smoke.

"There may be something to that, Finn."
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︎11 Shiny!
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