Logbook entry


15 Jan 2017Hersilia
The medical curtain was pulled back with a scrape of metal as the rings ran against the pole to which they were hooked upon. Out from the curtain Niatra emerged wearing medical scrubs, his face covered by a thin cloth mask. He snapped off his Lycra gloves and the mask before tossing them into the bin as the curtain flapped shut behind him. Silently a droid glided over then removed the scrubs from Niatra and carried them away to be incinerated. His gait did not stagger or sway as the droid carried out its duties. As a medic for the Paladins he had done this routine many times before. The door slid open with a quiet hiss and let him pass through into the corridor. The doors hissed again. A gentle thud. The room was silent.

A loud firm knock rose the Inquisitor from an impromptu nap.  He snapped his head off from his desk and pulled a piece of paper from his cheek. Still in a daze he spoke for them to enter as if he were on autopilot. The door swung open and in strode Niatra. Inquisitor Grey smiled and gestured to the chair across from him. Niatra shook his head.

“I won’t be staying for too long I’m afraid, I have duties to attend too. Although, by the amount of medical orderlies I had to usher away I’m assuming you know about our new recruit?” The word ‘recruit’ brought the Inquisitor round a bit more from his Onionhead induced stupor. As Inquisitor, he was in charge of all recruits, the first point of contact for all new members of the Paladin Consortium. He let out a slight sigh as he glanced at the mound of paperwork on his desk. This would mean even more to add to the pile. His gaze shifted back to Niatra and he smiled the comforting smile he gave to everyone. It also meant a new face around the station, their group was slowly getting larger. The smile turned gradually into what could be consider a cheeky grin.

“I don’t know who you could mean.” Grey tried not to giggle as Niatra frowned. Before either of the two men could speak the door burst open. A panting medical orderly stood leaning against the door frame, trying to catch his breath. The Inquisitor immediately stood up making the feeling in the room go from a casual, friendly atmosphere to stern business with one swift movement.

"What is it that is so important to burst in here withou-" The orderly interrupted the Inquisitor, looking straight at Niatra with panic in his eyes.

"S-sir.." he stuttered, petrified of the Dukes reaction to the message he must give.

"What is it?" The Duke snapped, infuriated that this man had not only just burst in on two officers having a private meeting but also interrupting the Inquisitor mid-sentence. His hand clenched into a fist. The orderly gulped;

"S-she's gone, sir..."
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