Logbook entry


31 Jan 2017Hersilia
Roughly half an hour after Duke Niatra had left the medical ward Hersilia had awoken and emerged from sterile environment out into the corridor. She stumbled down the hallway towards the sound of voices, gripping tightly onto the hand rail to keep balance. The corridor eventually lead to a larger one, streams of people walked in both directions, busying their selves with the days work. Onnes Gateway was a bustling place full of lights and foreign noises, it was different and didn't help when Hersilia tried focus. The walk from the medical bay had been tough, even thought it was only a short distance. She lent her back against the wall at the end of the medical corridor, holding onto the join of flesh and metal with her right hand. It was heavy, really heavy and it hurt too. A lot. Hersilias blue eyes closed as she gritted her teeth in pain. When she opened her eyes it caused everything to spin and made her feel faint once again. She stumbled out into the busy corridor slamming into a skinny tall man who's instant reaction was to curse profoundly and push her out of his way as he hurried on. Hersilia crashed to the floor with a yelp of pain and a clang of metal. Looking out into the forest of legs through watery eyes she tried to find a clearing so she could try to make her shaky attempt at standing. It was useless, people totally ignored her presence, stepping over her as if she was nought but a dropped cigarette butt. An overwhelming flow of uselessness spread over her and just as she was about to fully breakdown a firm hand grabbed her right arm, pulling her up onto her feet and keeping her steady. She looked to see who it was, she didn't recognise them, how could she? She'd never even been here before. Whoever it was he was big and seemed to have an authoritative air around him. A loud sharp sound escaped his vocal chords and the crowd instantly parted. The large man scooped Hersilia off her feet and walked through the gap he'd created.

Hersilia blinked to clear her watery eyes and to get a better look at this stranger who had picked her up and walked off.  She was thankful but also very, very confused. Eventually after studying him for a while he broke her train of thought.

"You like staring do ya?" he smirked and Hersilia stared quizzically at him. Her manners hadn't returned yet.

"W-who're you and where are you taking me?" she half demanded. He laughed at the seriousness in her voice.

"The name's Paroxsym..and you look like you need a drink." he nodded ahead of him, indicating to the closest bar. A large illuminated sign hung above the entrance, it read:

The Palad-Inn.
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