Logbook entry

Domum Dulce Domum

09 Mar 2017Hersilia
Hersilia leaned on her newly acquired walking stick and sucked in the last remnants of her cigarillo. The courtyard in front of the knock off Palad-inn wasn't really that busy, a few civilians went from one side of the square to the other along the set out paths around neat patches of synthetic grass. A couple of guards patrolled the area as was common in all stations. Blowing out her final drag Hersilia dropped the butt of her cigarillo and stamped it out with the end of her stick, giving her time to admire it. It looked quite expensive, a silver square shaped metal capsule protected the bottom of a shiny, black wooden pole. The augmented left hand clutched onto a simple, already scratched, silver sphere at the top of the stick. No, not a stick. This was too grand to be just a 'stick'.

"This." Hersilia thought,

"This is a cane."

"Oi! You!" a sharp authoritative voice came from across the courtyard. Hersilias' head snapped up in the direction of the voice. It came from a short, fat officer. He was leading a band of guards over in her direction. She straightened herself and leaned back on the cane.

"Can I help you...gentlemen?" Hersilia asked trying not to look too amused by how red in the face the round officer was.

"You can't smoke in the station!" He snapped, moving himself in closer to Hersilia. An attempt to be intimidating even though he was shorter than her. Hersilias amusement faded. This man stank and was sweating so much she was sure you could fill a cup within minutes using his forehead alone.

"And you defiantly! Cannot leave! A smoldering cigarette! On the floor! In a recreational area!" with each breath the man got redder in the face and his voice became more and more shrill. He was obviously furious. Hersilia stared at the tiny red man in surprise. Then physically gasped as two of the guards in the troop behind him came forward and arrested the officer. Ignoring the impossible the angry officer's face became even redder and started shouting and screaming at his men to let him go or he'd have them court marshaled and shot. Something made him shut up very quickly though.

Hersilia couldn't help but stare at the small gathering of guards and now an outer circle of civilians also staring at what all the commotion was about.

"I think someone needs a few lessons in politeness, don't you?" A calm familiar voice came from behind Hersilia. It was Niatra, she could tell now without even looking. A slight smile crossed her face.

"Take him to the brig, I'll talk to him later." Niatra ordered the men and they all rushed off to carry it out.

"And you" his voice was louder but softer.

"You're coming with me." and with that he linked arms with her and lead her through a maze of corridors and elevators until they arrived in a section that was much quieter than all others. The walls were decorated with lavish pictures of famous ships, stations and portraits of commanders Hersilia didn't recognise. They walked for sometime, passing several doors and windows looking out onto the planet below. Eventually they stopped in front of a door that was completely different to all others. A large decorated 'I' adorned the deep wood of the door. Niatra knocked hard twice then opened the door and gestured Hersilia inside without waiting for response from within. A wall of fog hit all her senses at once. She sniffed the air as Niatra coughed slightly. A large leather chair slowly spun around.

"You must be Hersilia. I've heard a lot about you already." A large, muscular man rose from behind a very ornate desk and offered a hand in greeting.

"I'm the Inquisitor of the Paladin Consortium, the names..Grey. M. Grey." the man looked like he was trying not to giggle. Hersilia was used to seeing men of his size and stature but not acting like this. He was like a seven year old boy caught in an adults body, just with more wits about him. Hersilia shook his hand and nodded.

"What's the 'M' stand for?" she asked.

"None of your business" the Inquisitor said happily. Hersilia snorted, trying to keep back laughter. She liked this man already. Niatra smiled and bowed slightly.

"You two seem to be getting on well. I'll leave you too it. Hersilia, I'll find you later, you're the thinnest Commander I've ever seen. We need to get you some food." he gave another, slightly deeper bow and exited the room. The Inquisitor and Hersilia sat in that office for hours, talking about formalities of the Consortium and how things were run, for all of about fifteen minutes. The rest of the time was filled with tales of the past, jokes and why on earth she was still wearing a medical gown with a bootlace to tie it up. After a while the Inquisitor inquired upon Hersilias smoking habits and within a few moments smoke was creeping around the door frame into the hallway outside.  After they had both finished their smokes and stubbed them out into the ashtray the Inquisitor rose to his feet.

"Dear Hersilia I've kept you long enough. You're still in a medical gown! You must be cold! I've your things in that wardrobe in the corner behind you. You're weapon is there with them, don't worry." He smiled and winked then made his way to the door and left. Leaving Hersilia in private to get changed. Hersilia stood up and sidled over to the window, staring out at the ships coming and going from the dock. A glint of light caught her eye from a landing pad and she smiled to herself as her gazed rested upon a familiar gold Asp.

"I think I'm going to like it here."
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︎6 Shiny!
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