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A Message From The Leader of the Hanissi Citizens of Tradition: Our Position Regarding Thargoid Aggression

25 Oct 2022Marina Oatmeal
Figured, why not try my hand at this?

A message from the Captain's Quarters - Aisling's Grace (H2Z-NHV) | WHTM Lead CMDR Marina Oatmeal

It has come to my attention that across the media outlets within our galaxy, that the common sentiment regarding Thargoids and their recent hyperaggression towards the human race is to respond with a unified military front.

I do not agree with this position, however there are some caveats.

Being a supporting member of the former Operation Wych Hunt, I stood guard in our impeccable system of Hanissi while offering a hand to fellow Commanders who did not either fall into Caleb Wycherley's- and as a consequence- Azimuth's plan to annihilate what they believed to be the entire Thargoid race. Our citizens know well that I am not a leader who sits at their desk day in and day out however, and when push came to shove and our allies were attacked, we fired up the FSD on Aisling's Grace and snapped into action- but only as a defensive tactic.

We as a race have lived in fear of the "alien menace" for so long, and so deeply, that we have moved to the point where we prime our AX weaponry well before considering the possibility that we have done this to ourselves. Thargoid Interceptors have historically been non-aggressive upon meeting our fellow human Commanders under most conditions, and while many will point to how they will become hostile when they find specific cargo within our ships, it is heavily theorized that they have an automatic response to destroy anything purely Guardian-related. Other Commanders will point out that the Thargoid method of "hyperdiction" is an act of aggression in itself, I however do not believe this myself. We know very little of the Thargoids, how they operate and what their perception of space and time truly is. We know our "facts" as "truths" from an ancient and long gone race, and from within our own fear.

Let me be very clear and concise, I am not a Thargoid sympathizer in any way, I do not believe in a "Far God" either, but beyond all I do believe that we have fumbled at every corner. Random acts of violence is not the answer. Random theories will not solve this, and violence is far from the answer we need.

Many know that I myself have been involved with the defense of our allies against Thargoid incursion. This is a position that will not change. Much like wars between us and our brothers, as unfortunate as they may be- when push comes to shove and Hanissi and her allies need protection, we will be there- but we must find a true answer. We must find a way to quell this before it gets far worse. With a current total of eight encroaching "Stargoids"- massive star-like objects of unknown origin- currently being tracked, I feel we may have pushed well beyond the boundary of "worse."

As a final note, we must protect Seo Jin-ae at all costs. She may be the key to saving us all.

-Commander Marina Oatmeal
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