Logbook entry

Crohm's Log

22 Aug 2021Crohm
Crohm's log: ED date 3307.08.22/0600.
Morning brings my first Expedition. There is a distinct possibility only 2 members of our little Squadron will be along. I'm sitting in the cockpit of my Dbx, on the deck of my Fleet carrier; looking out at the stars. a lot of anticipation, a little anxiety. Am I ready? Will we find anything? The potential for disaster and fame are both present. Having never been more than 1600 Ly from home, a journey of 7000 Ly seems daunting. So far I have enjoyed the safety of the bubble, sand managed to walk the line, bearing favor with both the Federation and Empire. In fact an Imperial King, who enjoys the irony of progressing the Federal ranks in an Imperial flagship- A Goliath shield tank capable of eliminating full wings of high threat pirates.
A journey into the depths will be quite different from active combat. We've installed all required tools to our flight computers, and are looking forward to learning to use them effectively. This will also include time invested in improving the ships camera suites, or moreso, our skill in using them. Our primary goal on the journey is to obtain some good unique footage to share with the community, while increasing our own recognitions as Commanders, a Squadron, and on the side, creators who share our lives with the Galaxy through livestream (available through your local GalNet provider).
Expect daily or more mission logs, photos, videos and maybe even meetings or interviews with other commanders. Any parts of the Expedition not live streamed, will be made available On Demand via GalTube.
As potential actual competitors in AX ranking as we grow, the week or 2 we will miss of honing our skills with the great Commanders Vinny_Vega and Yerisan is regrettable in that we appreciate the time they've taken to recognize some committed and skilled new Commanders. Squad leader Danky and myself have found the community invaluable, and consider ourselves allies of VANG and the Browncoat Uprising- May peace and profit enshroud them on their travels.
As a Squad Lead- Commander Danky is more than ready for this one. I've always been confident in his flight skills and ability to lead the pack. My only fears have ever been his overbearing need to multi task, which can never be as efficient as laser like focused tasking; leaves him vulnerable and unprepared at times. This is one of the best reasons I think he made me his XO, his second, because the grown Boy Scout in me is NEVER unprepared, and I do have that laser like focus. The benefits of this will show more as we grow as a Squad, and learn who is suited to handle which projects and responsibilities.
And so, as I gaze out at the stars, merely hours from departure, calm sets in. My ship is ready. It's new, but tested. Freshly painted, HUD modified to match the theme of this coming weeks. My fleet carrier contains more than enough Tritium, plenty of outfitting, and my entire fleet. My new Artemis suit sports a shiny green and white to match the green/white/red we've chosen. The EDHM mission theme can be made available to all mission fans if desired, as well as links to all public media where you can track us.
Welcome to [TESA] Eagle's Nebula Expedition 3307! May Peace and Profit enshroud our journey.
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︎3 Shiny!
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