Logbook entry

Crohm's log

23 Aug 2021Crohm
Crohm's log: ED date 3307.08.22/1930
It's been a fun and successful early few waypoints. Some route alteration due to star motion was required, but not totally unexpected. Without leaving the safety of having a Carrier in section, I have achieved 3 first footfalls, and my first 2 Biological samples. Without leaving the beaten path I consider this a score. It gives me hope that the finds will get better and more plentiful as we venture out deeper. Cmdr Vinny_Vega has again been a valuable contact in aiding our venture. It's Danky's turn to land first next time, but we can still both gather bio samples. We are now over 4,300 Ly from what we call home.
After 7.5 hours of exhaustive carrier jumps, and scans, and precarious landings, it's time to see what kind of rations the crew have packed. My pilot is on board, and all staff are active and being paid. My bridge crew has behaved most commendably, Deck Officer Baird, Head Mechanic Farrah Rush, and Mr. Phil Grant, my Tritium dealer and long time friend. I hope you all enjoy this trip and please consider your jobs tenured.
Just because I love the feel of the Expedition themed cockpit lights in one ship in particular, I may eat dinner in my AX Krait Mk11.
It is clear Commander Danky is in his element, and having a very good time with this., time for dinner...
I am excited, we are one jump from Langoon Nebula, which will definitely be worth a tour around. My first Nebula...
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︎2 Shiny!
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