Logbook entry

Crohm's Log

25 Aug 2021Crohm
Crohm's log: ED date 3307.08.25/1530
It's been quite the ride. Commander Blackis has returned from family leave and is making his way to join us. Danky and I are on the safety of the Fleet Carrier taking some time to send communications to family, and keep our log's up to date. The crew likes the time to tune into some Buckyball racing in the lower deck lounge, I do keep them busier than expected. Our fuel reserves are doing well, so the carrier will be able to remain with us longer than expected.
This evening will bring us to the Cat's Paw Nebula, a detour from the plan, but our quick pace of advance, and extra fuel easily allows it. I expect to spend a couple days mapping sectors here, hopefully discovering some new biologicals, and being the first to set foot on more new planets. This expedition brings a dozen First Footfalls to my credit, and a new Exobiology rank of "Collector". Expanding humanity's collection of genetics for research is a worthy cause. Many of these species could someday lead to valuable medicines, food, and even recreational drinks or drugs where these things are permitted. In TESA we don't allow any illegal cargo on board, but Lavian Brandy and other such refinements are certainly allowed off duty.
I'm anxious to get going, there is so much to see, but I stick to the time given the crew. There is no reason I myself can't begin mapping the sector we are in, deep in the Thaileia cluster of sectors. My mapping tools and Details Surface Scanner are already outfitted and serviced, I think it's time to log some flight hours.
May Peace and Profit enshroud your journeys.
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