Logbook entry

Crohm's Log

07 Nov 2021Crohm
Crohm's Log 11.07.3307 0620
It's been so long, so much has happened. Our numbers are growing, and we are more spread out now. We function like a faction should, in cells most without knowledge of the others efforts until after the fact, keeping sensitive info safe. The Human race is facing Invasion like I have not yet experienced, maybe even a prelude to war. The crew grows weary, we have been stationed in battle for days; out in the Witch Head Nebula, about 900 Ly from our primary civilization. There are several populated solar systems out here that need our protection. We have been assigned Evangelis, a beautiful place, but now in chaos, damaged station and many dead. Rescue efforts are still underway, but the heat in the docking bays may render that impossible at anytime. We just hope each next ship makes it out.
Our duty has been to frontline the combat zone here, our fleet is more than capable. My own Cutter has recently been Galvanized in Palladium, made a shining beacon of our presence here, we will stand our ground. Less than 24 hours now until relief comes, and we'll be given a couple day to go restock supplies and arms and handle any business with our local factors. I hope for the crew to get time to see their loved ones, but that won't be my call.
I'm not sure why this station is a favored target, it has been attacked 3 times. I wonder if they have populated areas here we have not yet located, that could lead to more heavy losses.
On another note, my Pilot's rank is now Dangerous, one step from the coveted Elite title. I definitely hope to be the first and NOT the last to achieve this in squad.
with our allies at Vang fighting by our sides, we really are more effective, so we're grateful they're out here. AXI is working Pleiades Nebula, not so far out as us, but word is they're the heroes right now. We have almost taken back Asterope, a beautiful blue star system with many sights to see.
We are pleased that our haulers were also successful in their project, and phase 2 of the Colonia bridge project is underway. Quite magnificent that we will have Megaships every 4-500 Ly for a distance of 22,000 Ly. Mankind is still impressive in some ways. I am looking forward to the upgraded FrameShift drives Brewer Corp will be providing as payment, this will make our long distance adventures when out of combat much more efficient.
Commanders, stay safe out there, stand your ground, don't forget your limpets!
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