Logbook entry

Crohm's Log

05 Aug 2023Crohm
08.05.3309 1045.
Sometime this afternoon we will reach "The Collection of Wonders", a mini vacation layover in our first long range mission in quite some time. 5 cmdrs heading to Colonia to do some networking, we hear there are some engineers out that way we need to know, you know? Then my intent is to spend a couple weeks in the Odin's Hold region collecting Exo-biology samples to farther our research. This time Nicholas and my crew are at home tending to other matters of Corporate affair. We're traveling aboard Voice of The Whirlwind, which has graciously offered us passage at no additional cost.
In the days and weeks to follow I shall keep you all up to date on the happenings and views we experience as we travel about 22,000 LY from Sol.

Cmdr Crohm
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