Logbook entry

Bourne's Log 12083302/01: Aisling Duval

14 Aug 2016Iaened Bourne
Location: Medupe City, Cubeo
Ship: Invictus, Python-class

Her Imperial Highness, Princess Aisling.

What an amazing woman.

She is, without a doubt, the most genuine political leader I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and working for. She is young and beautiful, which certainly doesn't work against her, and caught my eye the moment I first saw her. To top it all off, she actually believes in what she is fighting for, and doesn't feel afraid to go against the system if it will mean a better place for all of us. She has my respect and loyalty for that alone, even if she wasn't fighting for the freedom of the common man from narcotics and slavery. I mean ... slaves? Really? There is a reason they were outlawed almost two thousand years ago...

I suppose our Imperial Slaves are slightly different. It's a safety net, in a way, for those who can't otherwise support themselves any longer. I can understand the logic behind it, and I won't deny that it is useful to have a labour force around who are generally there by choice, but it's gone too far. That's what the Princess understands, and that's why she's against it. There's also the whole "slave" thing. Hell, renaming them would be a start! The Federation hears that word, and out come the history books: yeah .. books. The historians back on Earth love the damn things. Out-of-date tech if you ask me; why have something physical that takes up precious room, when you can store it on a hard drive and put it anywhere, in addition to the fact that the author can update it whenever he or she sees a mistake?

But I digress...

The Princess summoned me earlier today. Out of the blue (pun not intended). It's been a while since she formally requested my presence: usually it's me dropping by her estate to visit, often trying not to let anyone see that I'd been there, but this was different. She wants my help.

My help.

My heart did backflips when I read the message, but in the next moment it froze. What could my Princess possibly need my help for? She has scores of diplomats and advisors who could give her better advice than me, and yet ... As I am writing this, I have come to realise that it must be something personal in nature, and something that she couldn't just share openly without her advisors 'advising'. I do not know if that is good or bad, but I certainly cannot refuse her summons.

She is a Princess after all.
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