Logbook entry

Bourne's Log 13083302/01: Aisling Duval Foundation

16 Aug 2016Iaened Bourne
Location: Medupe City, Cubeo
Ship: Invictus, Python-class

Following on from yesterday's log.

Aisling and I spent hours together. GalNet would have a field day if they had found out, but it wasn't like that, unfortunately. We were just talking, researching, pulling in favours and contacting people I could have sworn died years ago.

I was right though: it was something personal to the Princess. She wanted my helping setting up a charitable foundation, something more than 'Stop Slavery Stupid', which she already openly supports but it isn't really aligned with all of her ideals. I, of course, insisted that the Foundation be named after her. My Princess is stubborn, I'll give her that, but she didn't really understand who she was dealing with and eventually gave in.

The Aisling Duval Foundation.
By Imperial Appointment

A political patronage charity that specialises in helping Imperial Slaves and narcotic addicts. I spoke with both DeLacy and Gutamaya, and as soon as I mentioned the Princess's name they jumped at the chance to throw credits into the pot. It was enough to make me seriously consider becoming a con-man. Aisling just laughed when I said that. She replied that she'd have to give up being a Princess and come with me if I did: part of me thinks she was being serious, but I know she could just leave everything she's worked for just for me - and I wouldn't ask her to.

There aren't enough charities in the galaxy, especially ones personally invested in by senior political figures. The Princess certainly knows what she is doing, and in some ways it is much better that she didn't become Emperor. It's a lot of stress, even more than she's under right now, and I know that she likes her space as much as any Commander I know. Once I've got that Cutter I promised her, I'll make sure she gets that holiday to the Sol System. My Federation permits are still valid, thank goodness, but no-one has to know she was there.

It's such a shame that the tempers are flaring up between the Federation and the Empire again. I grew up in the Federation, and there are some truly beautiful worlds and stars out there that my dear Aisling has never been allowed to see. Well, I'm determined to get her to Earth at least once before this war: and war is coming. I just hope I can protect her ...

I'm glad she asked me to help though. I really don't think I can repay her enough for her love and kindness towards me since I've known her, especially after my parents died. I really do love her, and I'm pretty sure she knows it.
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