Personal Log 62: Correspondence
29 Sep 2016Jemine Caesar
k-cast recorded messageFrom: commander Marcus Trelawney
To: commander Jemine Caesar
Date: 19th September, 3301
Dear Jemine,
It’s possible you may have seen on Galnet about the disappearance on September 12th of my sister in law, Esmerelda. She was attending a banquet hosted by the Imperial Ambassador. I’m hoping against hope that you may have a ‘no questions asked’ contact in the Empire who could ask around to see if they could help. All my crew have been asking around in a similar way. I've attached a CCHV image of the kidnapper.
My brother Hadrian is still incommunicado, presumably on a Navy covert op, and hasn’t been told anything about this. I was wondering if you could ask Sam if he could find a way of unofficially getting the news to him, and to say I’m investigating? Didn’t you say Sam knows an Admiral or something?
Sorry if this is a bit garbled, we just had a scrape with a (now defunct) Imperial Cruiser! The pirate I told you about in my crew is an excellent First Officer, I couldn’t have wished for better, apart from her foul language but that comes with the territory I expect!
I hope you’re OK – haven’t heard from you for a while. I’ve tried two or three k-casts, but it seems hard to get through to you for some reason. I really hope this message reaches you, somehow, some way!
Take care,
k-cast recorded message
From: commander Jemine Caesar
To: commander Marcus Trelawney
Date: 29th September, 3301
Hello Marcus,
I am so sorry for the delay in replying to the message you sent to me on 19th of September. For some reason it went straight into my junk mailbox, and I only found it when I was having a clear out today. I think I will need to have my comms system checked out, as I have noticed several of my recent calls have been unable to connect.
I will certainly ask Sam to see if Admiral Remi can get a message to Hadrian. I do know someone of some influence in the Empire, but whether he will be willing to help is another matter. I can only ask him.
Fond regards,
Sam lost no time in sending a k-cast to Admiral Remi. Within thirty minutes the admiral called back to confirm that Hadrian had been contacted and was already bound for Sol on an indefinite leave of absence.
I had carried out the easy part of my promise to Marcus. Now for the hard part.
k-cast recorded message
From: commander Jemine Caesar
To: commander Rudolphus
Date: 29th September, 3301
Hello Rudolphus,
I hope you are well.
I am asking for a favour, though I know it may be something you are unable to help with.
A friend of mine, Marcus Trelawney, has been in touch asking for my help. His brother's partner, Esmerelda Erskinne, was kidnapped at Sol earlier this month. Naturally Marcus is trying to find her.
The authorities believe that someone linked to the Empire is responsible. The only image of the kidnapper is on a poor quality CCHV picture. He is quite tall, caucasian, bald, with an unusually long nose, dark blue eyes, and a prominent scar behind his left ear. He was wearing Empire navy dress uniform, with a red cape decorated with a blue lion, though this may simply be a disguise.
Does this description mean anything to you? Please, Rudolphus, if you can help in any way, let me know.
Fond regards,
Rudolphus, a man of rank and influence in the Empire, was my best hope for any clue to finding Esmerelda. Would Rudolphus' loyalty to the Empire outweigh his friendship with me?