Logbook entry

Personal Log 118: 11th - 17th April, 3302 (Part Two)

17 Oct 2016Jemine Caesar
11th - 17th April, 3302 (Part Two)

I knew I was treating Sam shamefully. How much longer would he be prepared to put up with me? I was terrified of losing him, but it seemed I couldn't stop myself pushing him from me. I decided to stay out of his way for a couple of days. I needed time to think...

On April 13th, as I sat in The Last Thing, lost in thought, my comms panel flashed an incoming k-cast. It was from Argent Steel.

"I'm about 3500LY from the Great Annihilator," he said. "Then it's another 4000LY to Sagittarius A, the galactic core." He sounded tired.

"Well," I said, "you've not much farther to go. Of course, there's still the return trip." There was a brief, awkward pause.

"Don't worry," Steel said. "I'll be gone for a long time. When I get back to the bubble, I have somewhere else to go after that, so I will just keep going."

I felt inexplicably hurt. "Steel," I said, "My mind's been all over the place recently. Tell me... have I done something to upset you?"

This time there was no hesitation. "No," he said, "but I now know some of what happened to you. It bothers me that I didn't know then, and couldn't have helped."

Relief swept through me. "Thank Gaia," I replied, adding, "There was no way to call for help."

Steel made a noise that sounded like a chuckle. "Jem," he said, "It seems like there's a web of intrigue all around you. You're a shit-magnet!"

I laughed. "Not everything that happens to me is shit, Steel," I said, slowly.

"Yeah," replied Steel. "I know. Not everything."

And then, abruptly, Steel cut the contact.


A little later I found Sam, tinkering with his mixing desk.

"Sam," I said, " I've behaved awfully. I'm truly sorry."

Sam smiled. "Hey, Jem," he said, giving me a gentle hug. "It's OK. You'll get through this. And you know I love you."

Yes, I did know it. But, I kept asking myself, for how much longer? And why had I become such a fragile mess? I needed help.

Three days went by, during which I made more delivery runs to Delta Pavonis, L26-27, and Luytens 205-128. It was here, on April 16th, that I landed at Shuttleworth Holdings on Schmidt's Mine and found the office of the resident counsellor. Seeing a psychiatrist hadn't occurred to me before, but perhaps it was the help I so desperately needed.

Fortunately the counsellor was able to see me straight away, and afterwards I contacted Sam to tell him what had happened.

"She's helped me to understand why I feel the way I do," I told him. "She prescribed some meds, and gave me some mental exercises to help me cope. It'll take time, but now I feel hopeful of getting my old self back."

As I was preparing to leave Shuttleworth Holdings, a k-cast message came in on my comms board:

[Dear Miss Caesar. I have something you may be interested in. Please make your way to the Sol system, and dock at M. Gorbachev starport. I will contact you again there with further instructions. Yours, a friend.]


"I don't like it," Sam said after I had told him about the mysterious invitation. "It could be a trap. Still, if you're intent on going, at least it's in a relatively safe place. Sol's not exactly some distant backwater."

Once docked at M Gorbachev, Sam and I met in the Docking Bay Observation Lounge.

"Now we wait," I said.

We didn't have to wait long, however. My dataslate beeped an incoming transmission:

[Miss Caesar, please go to Schultz Jewellers in the main shopping mall. Show them this message. They'll be expecting you. Best Wishes, A Friend.]

I looked at Sam, puzzled.

"Nothing to do with me, I promise," he said. "Maybe it's the same friend that allowed me to find you and the others."

At the jewellers, I introduced myself to the assistant and held out my dataslate with its curious message.

"Ah yes," he said, producing a small package from behind the counter. "Here we are. There's a note with it for you, too." I thanked the assistant, and then Sam and I left the shop. We sat in the main mall. I opened the note, which was handwritten on a piece of plain paper.

"Dear Miss Caesar," the note said. "Please accept my sincere apologies for the ordeal you suffered recently. The items you have just collected at Schultz Jewellers came into my possession following a particular set of circumstances which I need not detail here. I, too, have suffered, though not as badly as you, yet I have still lost much. I fervently hope that your troubles are now all behind you. My very best wishes follow you on your travels. Yours sincerely, A Friend."

I opened the package with shaking hands. Inside were my lockets.

"Oh, Sam!" I cried. "She told me she'd destroyed them!" My eyes welled up with tears of pure joy.

"She was playing with your emotions, Jem," said Sam, wrapping one arm around my shoulders. "She was an evil woman, through and through." Sam fastened the lockets around my neck. I felt so very happy.

"Come on," said Sam. "I have another surprise waiting for you." Taking my hand, Sam led me to a clothes shop further up the mall.

Sam had bought me a gorgeous Lalande original strapless evening gown made of crimson polysatinester, with asymmetrical ruching across the bodice and a lovely crystal applique at the waist. The skirt was slit to the thigh on the left side, and a short chiffon train completed the look.

"It's an early birthday present," said Sam, planting a little kiss on my lips. "It'll be perfect for the St George's Day Ball on your birthday." Of course, I just had to buy some new shoes and a bag to go with it!

Sam told me that St George, the patron saint of England, was celebrated on April 23rd each year with a grand ball in London, Earth. St George was also mentioned in the play 'Henry The Fifth', written by William Shakespeare, whose birthday I shared. I found there was to be a special performance of the play at the Stratford 3000 Arena on the 23rd, so I booked a pair of tickets. My papa had often quoted from the play. Now I would be able to see the whole thing for the first time.

With my birthday still a few days away, I settled down to do some courier jobs. On April 17th, as I was on my way to Ross 780 with my final delivery of the week, I sent a k-cast to Argent Steel. Our last conversation had ended rather suddenly, and I wanted to make sure all was well.

Steel had made good progress since we last spoke, and was now just one jump away from Sagittarius 'A', the centre of the galaxy....


Thank you to Argent Steel
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