Logbook entry


07 Sep 2017Jemine Caesar
OOC Foreword

Matt Lehman was inspired to write Pegasi Autumn following an RP exchange in the InGaBa in early June 2017. The resulting work you are about to read forms a major part of the story of my character, Jemine Caesar. I'm therefore absolutely delighted and privileged to present Matt's amazing tale as a series of integral additions to my own log books.

I want to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to Matt for honouring me with his time and creative talent. My sincere thanks also to the incomparable Marra Morgan, whose RP it was that provided such a memorable starting point for this novella, and whose legend it affects.

That's quite enough waffle from me. You'll be wanting to read the story. I hope you enjoy it.



In many ways, the slowly-rotating space station known as Clair Dock was symbolic of its owners. Newly refurbished, the station’s cavernous docking tube boasted the latest in technological refinements. Cool blue station lights illuminated the stylishly painted interior, and sharp holo-adverts informed all newcomers of the latest corporate offerings from the more populated Bubble. Indeed, much of the cutting-edge technology that humanity enjoyed was available here, an oasis of civilization in a rough and fabled part of space.

Yet underneath the gleaming facade was the same rotting infrastructure, barely able to sustain either the swelling population or the power demands placed upon it by the remodels. Compromises had to be made, and were. The poorer citizens had been crammed into squalid ghettos or evicted outright to make way for the new facilities. Those without money or political pull were often subject to power blackouts and made to use the oldest, least reliable plumbing- irritating enough on a planet surface but downright dehumanizing on a space station.

This unspoken-of dichotomy permeated everything about life onboard- the faction that owned and administered Clair Dock was a private military contractor called Black Omega....

The adventure begins here... Pegasi Autumn
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