Logbook entry


13 Sep 2017Jemine Caesar
Gaia’s mercy, this woman knows what she’s about.

Drifting pieces of wreckage floated around Jemine’s Vulture. She was inspecting the remains of a massive T-9 bulk freighter, it and its cargo blasted to scrap thanks to Kat von Steuben. Blackened hulks of hull told the story of a merciless slaughter.

Jemine’s lips tightened as she eased the throttle forward on the Flower. It hadn't just been the slow, lumbering cargo ship that had been destroyed. Ahead of her was the burnt-out remains of a pair of Vipers, drifting in space and occasionally bumping into blasted chunks of hull that had once been the T-9. Several clicks beyond that was a trio of wrecks that at one point had been Vultures.

A chill ran down Jemine’s spine, settling as an unwelcome chill in her stomach. So she did in the convoy, and then turned her attention to the reinforcements. Six ships in two engagements, all by herself. Including three just like mine.

Memories flashed in the huntress’s vision. Suddenly the comparatively tiny number of bounties that she herself had cashed in seemed utterly inadequate to the task of bringing Kat von Steuben in by force. Even when she had been flying alongside Matt-

No. Even him and I together didn't destroy six ships. And if this is only one of Kat’s raids…

The story continues...
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