Logbook entry


28 Sep 2017Jemine Caesar
“So there I was, tuggin’ and tuggin’ like I was tryin’ to pull a carrot from the ground. Nothin’ was happening, and both of us were gettin’ mighty upset. I wasn’t sure who feelin’ more useless- him or me!”

There was a round of giggling around the lounge at Exotica. The girls- that is, the women along with the fewer-in-number men who plied their common trade- were enjoying a slow day. No one ever truly had a day off, but it was understood by the management that down time for the employees was conducive to profitability and morale alike. One of the more animated girls, a brunette beauty from the Federation by the name of Daisy, was telling a story from the previous night. Her rustic accent spilled all over the space that they shared. Another girl leaned forward and took a quick hit of onionhead before egging her on.

“And that was it? Did you give it up and refund his creds?”

Daisy gave a coy grin and wagged her finger. “‘Course not! Turns out that all the fat bastard needed was a finger in the ass. Took off like a John who just found out you were pregnant!”

The story continues here...
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