Logbook entry


09 Oct 2017Jemine Caesar
“Wake up, wenig Maulwurf. It’s a new day.”

Jemine suppressed a gasp, her heart pounding. The smirking face of Kat von Steuben was a hell of a first thing to see for one’s day. Swallowing, Jemine looked to her side. The pale, serpent-headed hand was still on her shoulder.

Shrugging it off, Jemine sat up. Without thinking, she accessed the bunk’s controls, an exterior image of the Schadenfreude’s surroundings reporting in from the various external cameras. Nothing but barren rock and black starfields filled the screens. The huntress scowled as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“It doesn’t feel like a new day. Have any coffee in this tomb of a ship?”

Standing up, Kat gestured to the living area, such as it was.

“Ships run on h-fuel, pilots on the brew. You don’t think I’m completely uncultured, do you?”

Jemine looked up, feeling small. You’ve murdered thousands. “Uncultured” doesn't begin to cover it.

The younger woman forced a smile onto her face. “The rumors about you are false, aren’t they?”

A serpent-headed hand extended itself. Swallowing, Jemine took it, feeling herself being hoisted to her feet with ease. The hand that griped hers was icy. The huntress found herself staring at the tattoo.

Cold-blooded, just like the serpents on her arms. How appropriate.

She looked up to see Kat’s eyes boring into hers. The ever-present smirk on her mouth grew slightly.

“Not all of them, wenig Maulwurf. Not all of them.”

The story continues here...
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