Logbook entry

PEGASI AUTUMN - Chapter 10

12 Oct 2017Jemine Caesar
“You rang?”

Without preamble, Marra pulled Phisto through her penthouse entrance and closed the door, locking it and turning to her roguish guest. She took the bottle of wine from his hands and set it aside, not paying it a second glance.

“Shut up and follow me.”

The man’s eyebrows raised, unused to being spoken to in such manner. Marra’s eyes flashed with danger as she led him into her bedroom. Phisto strolled in past her, casually waiting for her to arrive at the point of summoning him. He gestured around himself and shrugged, the luxury and spectacular view no longer impressive to him.

“Listen, baby- you know I love our chats, but even I have to make a living. My boys are still in Degastani mixing it up, and they’re going to be grouchy as all hell if they find out that I’m-”

Marra pointed to the ground. “Take off your clothes.”

To his credit, Phisto reacted like neither a slave nor an adolescent. Shrugging matter-of-factly, he started unlacing his flight boots, letting them drop to the floor before unbuckling his trousers. In the washroom, he heard the multiple jets of Marra’s walk-in shower kick on, as well as the rustling of clothes.

The mercenary captain smiled to himself as he shed the last of his clothing. Well, when the little lady is ready, there ain’t any stopping her, is there?

The story continues here...
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