Logbook entry

PEGASI AUTUMN - Chapter 12

20 Oct 2017Jemine Caesar
By now, the receptionist was used to the bodybuilder who visited Exotica more and more frequently. Like so many of the other regulars, he’d at first tried to hide his squeamishness about even setting foot inside. His eyes had been downcast, he’d spoken in low tones, and he’d rushed to go inside, keeping a loose hood over his head.

Now the man didn’t try to hide anything. He strode up, leaned over, and- unlike before- looked the receptionist in the eye instead of the crotch. She’d been watching a holovid, seeing the man from across the commons corridor and already knowing what he wanted.

“The usual, sweety-pie?”

The man grunted in affirmation. Of course he’d wanted to book Mhera. She was all he’d ever been with, and in the androgynous woman’s reckoning had all the makings of a terribly dull lover. After all, a man who wanted to be with only one of the girls was just as likely to want only one type of act. Men were so predictable, she thought. So afraid of change and variation. Always pursuing a variety of women just to perform the same routine with each of them. Still…

She watched him enter the pleasure house, wondering as she did what exactly the man’s proclivities were. In her mind, men didn’t feel the need to bulk up like he was unless they were nursing a massive inferiority complex. Insecure men typically preferred tiny, submissive women to make them feel larger. Mhera, though, was almost outstanding in how little she stood out. She was comely in a small-town, mousy way, but hardly what one saw in the holovids from the Bubble. She didn’t have any special training or lurid enhancements to her person. She looked plucked from another life entirely.

Of course, that’s exactly what she is. It’s not like this is most girls’ first choice of employment. Or any choice at all for some of them.

The story continues here...
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