Logbook entry

PEGASI AUTUMN - Chapter 13

23 Oct 2017Jemine Caesar
Stop it, Stryker. Just stop. She’s not going to get any more prepped for takeoff by going over the checklist one more time.

With a deep sigh, Stryker Aune rose from the seat of the Broken Bow and took a long look at the surrounding hangar. It was one of the last times that he would see the inside of Clair Dock. Pegasi, too, if he could help it. The man rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. He hadn’t slept the previous night, packing his belongings and discreetly carrying them back and forth into the hangar.

So, too, had he emptied his Bank of Zaonce account into numerous anonymous credit chips to avoid creating a transaction trail as him and Mhera fled. The B of Z was famous for its ironclad security, but Styker couldn’t take the chance that someone at Black Omega couldn’t interfere anyway. No, his plan called for absolute commitment. To abandon Black Omega was to abandon a brotherhood, a paramilitary firm that looked after its own and scorned everyone else. Even in Pegasi, the bonds of camaraderie created close-knit groups, with the punishment for treachery or abandonment as severe as one would expect.  

The duffle bags that held his belongings had long since been secured in his cabin’s lockers. So, too, would Mhera be prepared- she’d seen to that the night before.

The story continues here...
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