Logbook entry

The Olive Grove - "Remembering"

24 Feb 2018Jemine Caesar
"Now," said Jemine as she plucked a credit chip from her handbag. "What are you having?"

She and Sam had arranged to meet Nathalie in the InGaBa for a quick drink before Jemine began her shift at The Olive Grove. The pleasure house proprietress had slept fitfully, her dreams haunted by indistinct visions involving Stryker Aune. It had been a little over a week since she’d ordered him out of The Olive Grove. She sincerely hoped she’d never lay eyes on him again.

"Might go for a change actually,” replied Sam. “Let’s see if they know what a snakebite is..."

Jemine's eyes widened. "Snakebite?" she repeated, with a slight gasp. Then, blinking rapidly, she looked at the puzzled face of her boyfriend.

“Yes, my love,” he said. “Half lager, half cider. It’s very popular in Beta Hydri.”

"Oh,” said Jemine, “you mean a snakebite, as in a drink.” She chuckled nervously. “Sorry... hearing the word 'snake' reminded me of the vile stories Kat von Steuben told me. Yes. Yes, of course. I'm sure they'll know what one of those is. How about you, Nath?"

"I'm gonna go with some Amber Rum,” Nathalie answered, adding, “but put your credit chip away, Jem. This round is on me.”

Jemine contented herself with a glass of cranberry juice, partly because she was due to go to work, and partly because her stomach was feeling a little queasy. She'd taken some meds to settle it. The three friends chatted happily about this and that, choosing to reminisce about good times rather than discuss anything of a serious nature. Presently, Jemine declared that it was time she was leaving for The Olive Grove.

“You two stay here and finish your drinks,” she said, standing up. “You can come over to the Grove for coffee later, if you like.”

Giving both Sam and Nath a kiss on the cheek, Jemine left the InGaBa. Outside, in the concourse, she heard a man's voice calling out something about 'trillions of people'. She glanced at the voice’s owner, an earnest looking young man in a dark leather flight jacket. He seemed to have been directing his remark to someone walking away from the InGaBa. Following the young man’s gaze, Jemine saw that the departing someone was none other than Stryker Aune. With a resolute shake of her head, Jemine turned to walk along the concourse in the opposite direction, only to hear Aune’s voice ringing out behind her.

"Trillions of people? That's a lot. But I'd start with her. She slept with that bitch. She knows all of Kat's favourite haunts. I'm sure she could point you in the right direction."

Jemine stopped in her tracks and turned to see Stryker Aune pointing directly at her. She glowered at him for a moment, then, with a careless glance at the young man at the entrance to the InGaBa, she spun on her heel and continued on her way.

Later, as she sat at her desk in The Olive Grove, Aune’s words echoed in her mind over and over. He’s angry with me, she thought. But why? What in the name of Gaia does he have to be angry with me for?  And what did he mean by that remark about Kat...

Jemine shook her head in vexation. Aune’s anger towards her clearly had something to do with the time she’d been forced to spend with Kat von Steuben in Pegasi. A protracted period during which she’d waited for an opportunity to make good on Marra Morgan’s contract on the terrorist. An opportunity which never came.

Willing herself to put the matter out of her thoughts, Jemine got on with her work. Business was good; receipts were improving and bookings were increasing. She’d had responses from all three security companies she invited to tender. Opening the first, from Citi Securiti, she began to read the details of what they had to offer and their breakdown of costs. The document was extensive and packed with guarantees, conditions and optional extras. The other two tenders were equally comprehensive.

“This is going to take ages,” said Jemine, wrinkling her nose in confusion.

After almost three hours of wading through the datawork and making copious notes on the comparative merits of each tender, Jemine was not much nearer to making her decision. She was about to reread the first tender when the door opened and Sam and Nath walked in.

“Ay up, Jem,” said Sam. “you’re looking pensive. Anything wrong?”

Jemine looked up, a weary expression on her face. “High hoop, Sam,” she answered. “I’ve been poring over these security tenders, and now I’ve got a headache coming on.”

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    

At the reception podium, Suki Hai looked up to see a newcomer enter The Olive Grove. It was plainly a young woman; petite and cloaked, with long black hair spilling from a hood pulled up tightly around her head.

“Konbanwa,” said Suki. “Welcome to The Olive Grove. Your pleasure is our pleasure.”

The cloaked woman kept her head low, avoiding eye contact with Suki.

"Madame,” she whispered. “I need to speak with Jemine. Jemine Caesar. She owns this place, non?"

"The Olive Grove is owned by Miss Jemine,” replied Suki. "She is in a meeting at present. Perhaps I can make an appointment for you?"

At that moment, another newcomer, a young man, entered. At the sound of his approach, the black-haired woman tossed back her hood and peered through her dark tresses towards the door. Then, turning back again, she looked pleadingly at Suki with frightened eyes. Suki, her smile unfaltering, quickly studied the dark haired woman's elfin face. Then, with a suspicious glance at the young man, she narrowed her eyes and addressed the terrified woman.

"Wakarimashita," she whispered, adding, "I understand. Come with me, quickly."

It soon became apparent, however, that Suki had misinterpreted the source of the cloaked woman's fear. She realised her error as  the door of the main entrance burst open, and a giant of a man in black body armour marched inside...

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *    

Meanwhile, in her office, Jemine had come to a decision.

“Look,” she said, “I know I invited you back for coffee, but do either of you mind if we went to a cafe instead? I suddenly feel the need to get out of here.”

“Sound good to me, Jem,” said Nathalie. “Let’s go.”

Jemine led the way along the corridor. “I’ll just let Suki know that I’m going out for a break,” she said, adding for Nath’s benefit, “Suki is a real treasure. Very efficient. She used to work here under the previous employers, and came to me highly recommended. But don't let her unflappable appearance fool you. There's a bit more to her than meets the eye.”

As soon as she passed through the sliding door into reception, Jemine saw the massive figure of Idris, instantly recognisable despite his black body armour, with a black haired waiflike woman slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Then she saw that the main door had been smashed down, and now lay in a twisted heap on the deck.

"Idris!" called out Jemine, her eyes wide with alarm. She glowered at Suki. "Call security! Where the fuck were the bouncers?"

Idris' mirrored visor turned towards Jemine, the aim of his rifle following soon after. He cocked his head for moment, then his deep voice rumbled, "Ie, Feistres."

Backing slowly out through the main doorway, Idris kept his weapon steadily sweeping over the startled group of people in his wake. The female figure on his back stirred, looked up, and cried out in desperation.


Jemine stood rooted to the spot, staring at the barrel of Idris' rifle. She shook with fear and rage as she watched the behemoth leave The Olive Grove with the woman over his shoulder. As soon as he cleared the doorway, Jemine whirled round to Suki.

"That woman,” she said. “Who was she? One of our girls?"

"She did not give her name,” replied Suki. “But she did ask for you. And after the big man came she said something else; she said, 'I asked her to remember me. And who I am not.' I regret that I did not understand--"

Jemine gasped as though punched in the stomach.

"Oh, no," she said. "That was Apollonia!"

Dashing to the gaping doorway, Jemine cautiously peeped out into the bustling mall. Then she turned back to her friends, her expression grim.

"He hasn't got far,” she said. “I'm going after them."

Leaving The Olive Grove, Jemine followed the rapidly retreating form of Idris through the crowded malls of the Entertainment District. Holding her distance for fear of being spotted by the huge man, she hurried as best she could, hampered by her pencil skirt and high heel shoes. Keeping Idris in sight, she bent down and removed her shoes, carrying them in one hand as she continued the chase. Presently Idris stalked out of the Entertainment District, with Jemine still in pursuit.

Eventually Idris lumbered towards the entrance to a residential block, where he was met by the petite figure of Marra Morgan. Jemine could just about hear the pirate queen utter some sort of greeting in her native language. Lowering his burden to the deck, Idris stood guard as Apollonia bowed her head in resignation to her mistress. Marra gave her a smile of triumph, and then the threesome went inside, the door sliding shut behind them.

Jemine took a small step out of the shadows.

"Don't worry, Apollonia," she said to herself. "I won't forget you. I promise."


Author's Note:

A big Thank You to Sam Hodkin, Nathalie (Nagita) Hudson, Stryker Aune, Luke 3107, Simon Datura and Marra Morgan for participating in the RP from which segments of this entry were drawn.
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