Logbook entry

The Olive Grove - "Present, Tense"

28 Feb 2018Jemine Caesar
January 9th, 3304

“Latest reports from the Pleiades indicate a significant upsurge in Thargoid activity. All settlements and starports are on high alert throughout the beleaguered sector, and rumours are spreading of a Federal initiative which will—“

With a deft flick of her finger, Jemine muted the sound from the Galnet Newsfeed. She looked across at the impassive face of her boyfriend as he reclined on the sofa in her office at The Olive Grove.

“We’re only three days into 3304,” she said, “but the news is still the same doom and gloom from the Pleiades.”

Sam nodded. “Worrying times, indeed. A lot of good pilots have gone out there to try and make a difference - our own Nathalie amongst them – but the Thargoids are being relentless in their attacks. At least they’ve not strayed outside the Pleiades.”

“Let’s hope they sodding well stay there,” replied Jemine as she tapped at her desktop display. “Huge numbers of people are already migrating to Colonia. Rumours abound that the Thargoids will creep towards the core systems sooner or later. Inara’s a little too close for my— oh!”

Sam’s head jerked up. “What is it, my love? Has Cee been watering down the sake again?”

Jemine chose not to respond to the remark. She was aware that Sam didn’t see eye to eye with her outspoken Bar Manager, Cee Klover. The two of them had already had several heated disagreements about how the bar ought to be run. Perhaps understandably, Sam had assumed from the outset that the role would belong to him, for he had been a huge help in setting up the bar before The Olive Grove opened its doors. But his frequent, and sometimes prolonged, absences from Inara on trade and tourist runs made it an impractical proposition. Cee, on the other hand, was on Citi Gateway all the time. And she had certain assets that Sam lacked, assets which were appreciated by the pleasure house’s regular clientele.

“We’ve received a booking,” said Jemine, pointing to the desktop display. “It’s for a birthday get together, on the ninth of January.” Slumping heavily back into her chair, she heaved a loud, exasperated sigh. “Gaia’s Armpits! That’s just what I need...”

Puzzled, Sam, stood up and walked around the desk to check the source of his girlfriend’s exasperation. One glance at the name of the sender was enough to make it clear.

Marra Morgan?” he said, incredulous. “Marra Morgan wants to book The Olive Grove for her birthday party? I assume you’re going to be turning her down, of course, with a ruddy great flea in her ear .”

Jemine rolled her eyes. “Of course I’m going to turn her down! I loathe the bitch! Why would I want her anywhere near The Olive Grove, for fuck’s sake?” Leaning forward, she checked the booking again.

“It’s for a party of four. Well, obviously that’s Morgan herself, Idris and Apollonia; I wonder who the fourth person is?” Her mind strayed back a year to Marra’s party at the InGaBa, recollecting the faces of her associates. The memory made her sit bolt upright.

“Oh, shit! What if the fourth person is Stryker Aune?”

“It would be typical of the woman to pull a low trick like that on you,” he said, “knowing it was Aune who implanted that damned device into your womb. But since you’re not going to accept the booking—“

“No,” Jemine cut in, looking thoughtful. “On the contrary, I am going to accept.”

“You what?”

“No, listen, hear me out. When Apollonia came here a month ago, she wanted to see me, and wore a disguise to do it. She gave Suki a message for me before Idris burst the door down and carted her off; she said, 'I asked her to remember me. And who I am not.' What if she’s had enough, Sam? What if she’s had enough of Morgan and her whole stinking set-up? What if she wants to escape?

“That’s a lot of ‘what ifs’.”

“I know. But I saw the look on her face. She was terrified. I think she came to me for help, Sam. In fact, I’m certain of it. She needs me.”

Jemine leaned forward to activate her keyboard. Sam placed a hand on her shoulder.

“What are you going to do?” he asked as Jemine began to type.

“I’m going to help her...”

*     *     *     *     *

The next few days were busy ones for The Olive Grove. War in the nearby system of Lhou Mans had brought an influx of mercenaries into what was increasing becoming known as the “Inara Bubble”, a term coined in reference to the continuing benign expansion of the Inara Nexus faction. Wars being wars, there was no shortage of battle-weary pilots looking for solace in the arms of a beautiful woman. And, fortunately for pleasure houses like The Olive Grove, the combat bond payouts from Inara Nexus were generous.

By January the ninth, however, the war was in its final stages, and the mercs were beginning to leave in search of other causes to fight for and make money from. The Olive Grove had settled back to its usual level of activity; busy, but far from hectic.

Shortly after arriving for her shift, Jemine called through to reception on the comms.

"Moshi Moshi, Miss Jemine," came the voice of Suki Hai.

"Suki, there's a booking today at twenty hundred, in the name of Morgan. Party of four. I want you to let me know as soon as they arrive. And then I’ll need you to do something for me..."

Four hours later, Suki informed Jemine that three of the Morgan party had arrived, and were now in the bar. Suki had surmised from their conversation that the fourth person would not be attending after all. She had also been told by Marra to wipe all trace of the booking from her records. Suki had tactfully replied that The Olive Grove assures all its patrons of the utmost discretion at all times.

With a few taps on her desktop, Jemine brought up the security feed from the bar. There, in a corner booth, was Marra Morgan, with Apollonia seated beside her and Idris standing guard. Morgan’s outfit, she noted, was her usual black, consisting of a leather bustier with a laced back, and a long black skirt with a high slit on the right side. Apollonia’s outfit was simpler, being a plain black halter-top vest, dark leather trousers with flared legs, and ankle boots. Idris was dressed in his customary black tactical armour, complete with bandoliers and two pistols slung from his belt. A small, silver conical party hat was perched incongruously on his visored head.

As Jemine watched, one of her girls came into view carrying a tray of drinks. It was Monagh Mallone, brightly dressed in a blue and white floral croptop and a high waisted yellow skirt gathered with bows at the front to show off long, fishnet-stockinged legs ending in a pair of black patent leather high heeled ankle boots. Jemine smiled as she observed Monagh, her crimped blonde hair and hoopy earrings catching the light, trying to engage Idris in conversation.

“Good luck with that one,” she said wryly. Deciding to take a first hand look, Jemine rose from her seat and walked along the corridor. By the time she reached the bar, Monagh was sitting next to Marra, happily chatting and sharing a bottle of Harma Rum. Marra appeared delighted by Monagh’s presence at her table. Apollonia, by contrast, looked thoroughly miserable.

It wasn’t long before Jemine was spotted by Marra. The pirate queen sneered at the pleasure house proprietress, and then turned her lascivious attention back to Monagh. Jemine went back to her office and resumed her vigil on the security cam.

Another fifteen minutes went by, during which Jemine watched Marra and Monagh flirting outrageously with one another while Apollonia, her unhappiness increasing, looked on helplessly. Then came what Jemine had been waiting and hoping for, as Monagh led Marra out of the bar, leaving Apollonia and Idris behind.

“Finally!” said Jemine. She stood and hurried along the corridor to the reception podium where Suki was waiting.

“She’s out of the bar,” said Jemine. “In you go. And be careful. Idris mustn’t suspect a thing, otherwise we’re all in deep shit.”

Suki nodded, and entered the bar. She caught her breath upon seeing the huge combat suited figure standing by the corner booth. Then a smile played on her lips as she spotted the incongruous silver party hat perched atop his helmet. She crossed the bar to stand behind the counter, from where she gazed intently at Apollonia.

"Watashiwomite," she whispered. "Watashiwomite, Apollonia san. Look at me..."

Moments later, Suki was rewarded by Apollonia looking up in her direction and making eye contact. Suki flashed a smile at Apollonia, and then cast a deliberate look towards the ladies room in the far corner. Tilting her head in its direction, Suki stared back at Apollonia and raised an inviting eyebrow. In turn, Apollonia gave Suki an imperceptible nod, then stood and tapped a hand on Idris’ breastplate.

"Watch the drinks, cherie," she said, and walked casually over to the ladies room. Suki joined her two minutes later, checking they were alone before she spoke.

"Apollonia san," she whispered, "I have a message for you from Miss Jemine. She says to tell you that she remembers you, and that she remembers what you are not. And she also says to tell you that she wishes to help you."

"Jemine? She...?"

Apollonia smiled tentatively, her dark, teary eyes lightening in relief.

"Merci, mon amie! Forgive me, I don't know your name...?"

"My name is Suki. But we do not have much time, Apollonia san. If you do not return to your companion soon, he may grow suspicious and come for you. Miss Jemine says that there is a place you can go where you will be safe. A warm island, on a planet about two hundred light years from here. The island is small and remote, with little technology. Your mistress will not find you there. One man lives on the island, he will look after you. If you can get away from your mistress, Miss Jemine will arrange transport for you to the planet."

Apollonia blinked in confusion.

"I don't want to run away, Suki," she said, her eyes welling with tears. "I just want her to love me!"

"Miss Jemine says Morgan san is a very bad person, a manipulative bitch who treats others like dirt. Those were her words, amongst many others. I think the woman Miss Jemine describes seems incapable of giving love. Do you truly believe that she can love you?"

Apollonia stopped crying and looked up at Suki.

"I wasn't talking about Marra," she said softly.

Suki frowned for a moment, and then her eyes widened in realisation.

"I understand," she said. "I apologise. I have been insensitive. Forgive me. I will tell Miss Jemine what you have said. I have relayed her message to you. The decision, to stay or to leave, is now yours alone to make. If you choose to leave then you have only to send word to Miss Jemine. But now you must return to your companion, before he becomes suspicious of your absence."

"The man... the island," mumbled Apollonia. "Who? Why?"

"The island," Suki explained, "is on a planet in the system of Reorte. The man who lives there is called Edward Harvard. He is Miss Jemine's father."

"Her father?"

Setting her jaw in resolve, Apollonia nodded firmly and without hesitation.

"Merci, Suki. I will go to the island. I don't know how I will get away from her, though. But I will.”
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