Logbook entry


24 Apr 2018Jemine Caesar

“It’s a pretty ship. I’ll give him that.”

Jemine Caesar turned to Sam, amusement in her eyes.


The man scowled, shaking his head. Lehman’s Fer de Lance was before them, its graceful white lines stretching across the hangar. Everything was ready, the experimental AX weapons switched out for its usual highly-modified pulse lasers and triple-shot Imperial Hammer-class railguns.

“But you know how these types are. Cocky, reckless- living their lives like the entire ‘verse owes them just for getting out of bed.”

The woman put her hands on her hips. She and Sam had spent the night in his Asp while Matt’s ship was being retrofitted. As had been the trend for weeks, Jemine overcame creeping nausea and headaches only with powerful medication. Sleep had been a blessing, and rising hadn’t been easy. At her feet was an oversized duffle bag, carrying everything she’d need for a long voyage.

“Are you talking about Fer-de-Lance pilots, or Elite Fer-de-Lance pilots?”

The man shrugged. “Pick one.”

Jemine turned away, smiling privately to herself. Sam wasn’t normally the jealous type, and the sight of the sleek ship had only exacerbated his barely-concealed insecurity at meeting a one-time lover of Jemine’s. Still, it was impossible to be upset with him. He’d wanted to be with her- but had reluctantly agreed that he wasn’t the guide that she’d need going back into Pegasi, nor his ship the best means of travel. Jemine loved Sam with all her heart, and had no regrets about making a life with him- but he was a peaceful man, one who earned his fortune as a trader and passenger carrier. Pegasi was no place for him.

She turned back to her man. “Don’t be like that. Matt’s a good man, same as you. What he and I had between us, well-”

Jemine forced a smile onto her face. “Well, it was in the past. It’s you I fall asleep next to after a long day at The Olive Grove, not him. Remember that.”

Sam chuckled. “I’ll try.”

Read the whole of chapter 2 here...
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