Logbook entry


27 Apr 2018Jemine Caesar

It was simply called “The Organization”. There was no other term for it, nor did a need for one exist. The collection of crime bosses and gang leaders that comprised it might almost have resembled the planetary councils that governed so many worlds, had the qualification for sitting on it consisted of something other than ruthlessness. Yet it was also a body that adhered to a set of rules. Internecine feuds only became violent if all other options had been exhausted- and even then after a long, protracted period of negotiating secret coalitions, aware that one’s rival was surely doing the same. It was only when bodies started to hit the floor that everyone’s true allegiance became clear.

Thus was a sort of professional courtesy enforced, the niceties of face-to-face formalities observed even when one or both parties had no intention of dealing with the other. This courtesy was extended to foreign contacts as well- a powerful outside party could, if treated with respect and reason, potentially tip the scales in one’s favor. At the very worst, nothing was lost save a bit of wine and a bit of time. So when Marrakech Morgan of the infamous Pegasi clan of the same name requested an audience, there was little reason to deny her.

Sebastian Vega was a man who wore his power like a royal cloak. He was dressed in what for him was informal eveningwear, a thick cashmere jacket and silk trousers over a body which was scrubbed pink. His was an eye for detail, his estate being perfectly landscaped and his mansion a model of spotlessness. The man himself was no different, his facial hair trimmed and precise. Even his accent was refined and crisp. Thus was it was with perfect poise that he lifted a glass of wine to his guest.

“Marrakech of the Clan Morgan.”

Read the whole of chapter three here...
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