Logbook entry


01 May 2018Jemine Caesar


Apollonia Purduto looked down at her feet.

“One official residence on Tokubei Hub. Not the best, not the worst. Expensive for what it is, mainly because of the view.”

Marra was staring at the “window” that was the room’s holo-display. It was now a planetside scene, marred only by the occasional flicker. Her waif was biting her lip, which meant that she had bad news to accompany the good.


Apollonia frowned. “But it isn’t his. Where he lives, I mean.”

The outlaw turned. “Oh?”

The waif swallowed. “It’s his mother’s. I wasn’t able to track down his own quarters.”

Irritation clouded Marra’s features. “Of course you weren’t, you incompetent little-”

The outlaw paused, the wheels of her mind turning. Tausig was well-compensated for his work, but not that well-compensated. An enforcer like him couldn’t have afforded two such residences, which meant-

Which means that wherever he sleeps is a dump in comparison to how his mother is living. And he wouldn’t agree to that unless-

A cunning grin spread across Marra’s face, her irritation with her subordinate’s failure forgotten.

Tausig, Tausig, Tausig… is there’s a mam’s little darling underneath all those scowls and scars?

Apollonia had pursed her lips, preparing herself for whatever beratement Marra was about to unleash. Instead, she felt her chin lifted at the tip of Marra’s thumb and forefinger, her mistress’s voice dangerously sweet.

“It seems that even in your failure, you’ve delivered a nugget of useful information.”

The waif nodded her head, fear still in her eyes.

“Thank you, mistress.”

A superior smile crept across Marra’s face. “We leave for Black Omega space tomorrow. Before we go, I’ll be paying a visit to my long-lost aunt. So many happy reunions!”

Read the whole of chapter four here...
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