Logbook entry


08 May 2018Jemine Caesar

It was a time of crisis for the Rhys Clan. The vast hold of Quirium that had been the source of their leverage and power was nearly depleted, though they strove to keep such knowledge from becoming public. There was much debate within the clan’s council as to what was to be done. Some favored hoarding the last of the precious fuel for themselves. Others favored sending expeditions into the Bubble to procure the resource at legitimate markets.

Sola observed the bickering in silence, knowing that neither solution was sustainable. Suspicions would be roused if the Rhys clan suddenly stopped selling the fuel. On the other hand, they had little enough credits for their own needs without going to the eye-watering expense of buying the precious substance in bulk. In her view, the solution was simple: acquire the Quirium free of charge, and in sufficient quantity to maintain her clan’s prominence.

Sola had taken full stock of the crisis facing her clan and counseled Jyrron in private as to the solution, always allowing him to believe that her ideas were his. Thus did Sola hear her own words as he proposed the unthinkable: use the last of the clan’s credits to purchase information on the whereabouts of heavily-guarded Quirium shipments and hit them with every ounce of their fighting power. Gal-Cop was a powerful, ubiquitous organization, and to openly attack them tantamount to suicide. Yet she knew in her heart that such odds would work in her clansfolk’s favor. Their choices were to succeed or die. Gal-Cop had other options.

The debate was fierce and spirited- the very future of the clan was at stake, with no room for second chances. But one by one, those on the council saw the wisdom in Jyrron’s-that was to say Sola’s- words. Pegasi clan society was one that favored action and glory- and what greater glory was there than seizing the most prized substance in the Bubble?

Read the whole of Chapter 6 here...
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