Logbook entry


18 May 2018Jemine Caesar

The Gal-Cop captain clutched his throat, droplets of blood floating in tiny red orbs away from his neck. His escorts had been destroyed, and he’d allowed Sola and her minions to board his ship in exchange for his life. Even now his crew was being butchered, their death screams echoing in his comm systems. With a final spasm of rage and shock the man stiffened, his hands drifting away from his neck in the gentle release of death.

Sola Morgana smiled a cunning smile, wiping her blade on her flightsuit. False mercies were a trick for which the honorable often fell, but the woman owed no honor to any but her own kin. Soon the Rhys Clan would have another ship, to be integrated into the fleet or exchanged for even more political pull among the clans of Pegasi.  

The Quirium they would keep of course, for the golden substance was beyond value. Quirium alone allowed the clan to journey into the stars, rivaling in their own minds the great superpowers of the Federation of Earth and Empire of Achenar. Yet for Sola there was more to Quirium than its value as a ship fuel. True, it allowed travel unparalleled by any of the older hyperspace systems, but for the young woman its true worth was not in the destination, but the journey.

Read the whole of chapter 9 here...
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