Logbook entry


23 May 2018Jemine Caesar

Sola’s Morgana’s reputation as a warrior pirate spread, her name on the lips of every envious cutthroat in Pegasi. She was beautiful, of course- lithe figure, with hair as dark as the Void and piercing blue eyes that burned a man’s very soul- but that was only a tiny part of her infamy. No, here was the one who had single-handedly elevated Clan Rhys from relative obscurity to the keeper of the sector’s only stock of Quirium. From its capital on New Cambria the clan entertained dignitaries from all over Pegasi, bidding against each other in their offerings of slaves, ships, and credits if only their hosts would allow them access to their Quirium stores.

Madoc proved himself a shrewd and cunning negotiator. In the spirit of false generosity he seldom refused an offer from even the poorer clans, but only released the bare minimum of what they needed to keep their ships flying. In this way he hamstrung his potential rivals and maintained his clan’s monopoly on the precious substance, making travel into the Bubble an impossibility for any clan entertaining thoughts of pirating its own supply from Gal-Cop. Clan Rhys had well and truly brought its peers to heel.

Sola was never present at these negotiations, of course- but plied with ease their details from Jyrron. The woman listened, privately impressed at the old man’s political acumen. The wheels of her mind turned and turned, one eye ever cast to the future. In her most private moments of communing with the Void, the Crone again whispered to her.

Read the whole of chapter 11 here...

And make sure to catch chapter 12 tomorrow, 25 May
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