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Musings on an Unwanted War

17 May 2020SSNAKE666
The biggest thing that surprised me during this conflict was the level of deception the enemy utilized. They make us out to be warmongers when the reality of the situation is that before the first shot was fired I personally attempted to reach out to the opposing force leadership. They invaded a system under our control. We had never touched anything of theirs. They worked their way up to start a war in that system. When I asked the ACE leader Creedo83 to talk, so that we could work out a diplomatic solution to the situation that would not throw our two groups into conflict, his response was "what is there to say?"

And so the war began. And we fought the war to win it. They claim we salt mine. They claim we grief. They claim we are underhanded, running when outnumbered and attacking when we outnumber. Complete lies. Multiple engagements where two pilots engaged 4 of their and came out on top. They have resorted to blocking us because they cannot win this war that they wanted. That they asked for. I would respect them if they actually fought us openly. But they come out and play station games in unshielded Eagles and Sidewinders. They start a war, rebuffing an offer of negotiation beforehand, and then lie and complain when they are losing.

The saddest aspect of this war is that their commander Creedo83 used to fly with us. He was a member of the IPG. He asked our wing commander Gator if he could branch off and start his own squadron and did so with Gator's blessing. We were supposed to be allies, working together to build our respective interests. Instead we are accused by them of meddling in systems we have never had any interest or presence in. Accused of griefing when shooting at members of a faction which started an utterly unprovoked war. Accused by Rexicles, a commander who fled a battle as soon as his shields dropped, leaving one of his pilots to be shot down. Our leadership flies into combat with our rank and file. Their leadership flee at the first sign of danger. I pity their pilots, to be led by such duplicitous and cowardly men.
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