Logbook entry

A Fragile New Peace

27 Jun 2020SSNAKE666
We have come to an understanding. The lack of communication, of diplomacy between our groups led to perceived slights growing into disdain and hatred. The war machine, once started becomes difficult to stop. It boils throughout the stars claiming life after life as the helpless civilians below watch the wreckage of proud warships burn up in atmosphere. Hatred and resentment comes to life in an unceasing cacophony of destruction and men and women fly bravely to their death in hard vacuum.

The unchecked anger and resentment have cost the lives of thousands of pilots on both sides. It reminds me of other wars I've fought in, but I can't quite remember. There have been so many they blur together like stars flitting past the canopy. It's like a dream you woke up from, the details slipping away as you remember them like so much sand sifting through your fingers. I know I've fought for a long time. Countless ships in conflict zones and asteroid belts, both pirate and military. They all melt together in the violent storm of fire and steel.

IPG HIGHCOM and the ACE High Council have come to terms. There is peace between us once more and we may repair the damages that the war has cost us both and go on to develop our holdings. Some among their ranks and our ranks do not trust this peace. They believe it will fail. I sincerely hope it does not. We have both seen enough death over a misunderstanding. It is a sad fact that trust and good faith can be so easily shattered and so difficult to repair.
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