Logbook entry

The Victory of the Faithful

01 May 2021SSNAKE666
The godless harlots, the putrid feces coated in a thin miasma of flesh have failed. The few of their godless rebels which survived have been sent for an education in Faith and Godliness in the Scripture Camps.

They, like their false king, bethought themselves heroes. The ditches and burn pits their dead are being dumped into at this moment beg to differ. But they have reaped what they have sown, for yea as it was spoke long ago. Their wages were paid in full. Our steel overflowed with their payment.

Our hallowed fallen, though few in number, will be honored as martyrs to the One True God. Their fallen will rot as fertilizer for our crops.

In the name of the One True God and his chosen prophet The Gator.
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