Logbook entry

A Lack of Understanding

12 May 2021SSNAKE666
There are those who lack the basic understanding that when they commit an act, that there are consequences to said act. There are those who believe that they can do whatever they wish without anything occurring to the contrary. These people do not understand basic etiquette or common decency or mutual respect. And when the consequences of their actions come home and they must lay upon the bed which they have made, they cry out at the injustice of it all. That it is wrong and indecent that their acts have consequences. That they should be able to do what they wish and none should respond to their actions. It is the logic of children. They spoke to our diplomat of wanting to see what we were made of. And they shall get that wish granted in spades.

When a group plants a war where there was peace and states the intention to burn systems, then what recourse is there?
When the war was started without an attempt at diplomacy how can there be trust of what the enemy says? And when the enemy declares a ceasefire because they lost the war they started, does that ceasefire become real simply because in their desperation they believed it so? Again, this is the logic of children. They do not understand war and they most assuredly do not understand hatred.

Most importantly they do not understand our hatred. We are loyal to our friends, and we stand by our word when it is given. But those who raise the sword to what is ours or our allies, they earn a hatred that is easily ignited and so very difficult to extinguish. And the simple truth is that before they attacked us, the followers of Rochester were people we would have been happy to deal with through peaceful diplomacy. But now, after they have shed the blood of our people, there is hatred. We will hunt them to the core if need be. Where they are we will be. Our people demand vengeance and the expiation of their sins can only be atoned for in blood. If they want peace they will have to work for it, it is only fair as they were the ones who broke it in the first place.
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