Logbook entry

SITREP: NORTHSTAR // [07023307]

02 Jul 2021SSNAKE666
Hostile action occurred against GNV D-Corp asset on 06173307. Upon receipt of AAR and review of guncam footage of relevant incident (SEE NIR-06173307-R), a unanimous decision was passed by HIGHCOM to retaliate against OPFOR.
Retaliation designated OPERATION NORTHSTAR.

Upon commencement of NORTHSTAR, GNV and allied forces deployed into designated hostile zones according to Plan R. Upon insertion of Coalition assets, a native insurgency was discovered in the midst of an uprising against the OPFOR. Contact was made by Coalition assets and a line of communication was established by D-Corp representatives. Insurgent forces are the remnants of [Classified:[EO/NOFORN] Per IPG NAVSECDIR: 7742-G] and had discovered a plan by OPFOR to initiate a purge of [Classified:[EO/NOFORN] Per IPG NAVSECDIR: 7742-G] along with the civilian population to cement control of AO BLUE. Upon review of situation in system by HIGHCOM, it was decided that insurgent interests and Coalition interests were sufficiently aligned to warrant mutual cooperation.

AO BLUE and AO PURPLE were struck simultaneously by Coalition forces. After a fiercely lopsided battle, OPFOR C3 systems and governmental assets collapsed. AO BLUE fell and was returned to the control of insurgent forces. AO PURPLE followed suit shortly thereafter. At no point prior to or during NORTHSTAR was any attempt at communication made by OPFOR command. Listening posts have only picked up internal propaganda broadcasts which appear to be geared towards motivating OPFOR personnel to continue the fight.

During OPERATION NORTHSTAR, another AO unrelated to the aforementioned events was [Classified:[EO/NOFORN] Per IPG NAVSECDIR: 7742-G] however the effects of this have [Classified:[EO/NOFORN] Per IPG NAVSECDIR: 7742-G]. HIGHCOM is currently directing the response and according to projections the [Classified:[EO/NOFORN] Per IPG NAVSECDIR: 7742-G] however there will have to be a systematic review of protocol. All in all the situation is within standard operational parameters.

Tally of OPFOR losses stand at 647 confirmed destroyed, 82 damaged to 132 friendly vessels destroyed, 105 damaged.

ADDENDUM 07143307
NORTHSTAR has achieved it's primary goals. AO BLUE and AO PURPLE have been successfully transferred to more amenable factions. Insurgency forces in AO BLUE are now in full control and repairing the damage to infrastructure caused by the conflict. AO PURPLE in a similarly improving state. ARCHANGEL will be tasked to monitor for any resurgence in OPFOR activity. NORTHSTAR will continue at a lowered priority until such time as total [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G]
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