Logbook entry


14 Jul 2021SSNAKE666


OBJECTIVE: To [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] across various sectors and to destroy targets of opportunity.

Following OPFOR attempt at [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] within EASTERN KEYSTONE, NAVCOM deployed C-Corp assets to pacify EASTERN KEYSTONE and mitigate OPFOR threat. Though successful, OPFOR naval forces had mustered a second wave to follow the first. Following a decisive defeat over a 4 day campaign, the second wave of their takeover attempt engaged. Enemy command likely assumed that following the first sacrificial wave that C-Corp assets would be sufficiently depleted such that the second wave would be able to overtake GN in open combat. C-Corp vessels scrambled and after another 4 day campaign the remnants of the OPFOR naval fleet withdrew.

CASREP: GNV - 290 damaged/136 destroyed
CASREP: OPFOR - 204 damaged/738 destroyed

Following this attempted coup, FORLORN RETRIBUTION was given the go ahead by HIGHCOM.

OPFOR are spread throughout various AOs, however our response can be focused on [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] as this represents the extent of [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G]. These will be dealt with by a combined operational deployment of L-Corp and C-Corp. Other areas where OPFOR assets are [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] will likely present targets of opportunity, and C-Corp will have a detachment prepared to deploy to run S/D operations against OPFOR assets.

D-Corp has been attempting to make some sort of contact with OPFOR command, but as of this report no progress has been made in doing so. If D-Corp manages to open a channel, [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] however operational directives will be followed until such time as this occurs.
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