Logbook entry

Civil Defense Plan // Xeno

25 Jul 2021SSNAKE666

Due to public concerns as to the abominable xeno filth as well as their hostile incursions into human occupied space, NAVCOM has implemented the following civil defense conditions as well as responses to those conditions. Please post conspicuously in public areas of all Guild owned military and civilian installations.

From the desk of the Secretary of War,

I want you all to understand that we of the Guild Navy will do our utmost to defend our worlds and our people from the godless xeno filth. However you all must understand that these things are not human. They do not understand the concepts of decency, mercy, or kindness. We will do everything in our power to avoid the necessity of Condition 5, however if it comes to that, understand that we are not fighting just for the Guild at that point, but for the continued survival of the human species. If HIGHCOM declares Condition 5, it means that we are, all of us, at the brink. At that point no sacrifice is too great, and no cost too high to bear. If it means we must throw our children into the war machine, then we shall.

We will stand together against the coming dark.
Deo Et Patria

Condition 1:
No xeno presence in Guildspace. Normal naval activities and force deployment. Standard civilian activities.

Condition 2:
Isolated presence in one to three systems. Minor naval response to exterminate presence. Preservation/evacuation of civilian population in affected systems is paramount. Preference given to women/children.

Condition 3:
Moderate presence in five to ten systems. Medium level naval response to exterminate presence. Civilian population areas in affected systems will go dark and shelter in place. Local security forces are to deploy in defensive perimeters around civilian shelters. Personal weaponry to be disseminated to civilian populace as necessary from civil defense caches. Evacuation of civilian population will occur as ability to perform rescue operations will present itself.

Condition 4:
Large presence in ten or more systems. Large naval response to exterminate presence. Guild Navy will coordinate with other naval assets of various political entities present within home systems to mount effective counterattack. Civilian population in affected systems to be outfitted with personal weaponry from Civil Defense caches. Civilian population will follow the direction of local security forces in mounting the defense of ground and orbital assets.

Condition 5:
Massive presence throughout all systems. All naval assets to be reallocated to the extermination of hostile xeno life forms. Guild Navy will coordinate with other naval assets of various political entities present within home systems to mount effective counterattack.
All essential government and military assets to follow C.O.G. Plan R. Civilian population to be outfitted with personal weaponry from Civil Defense caches and Individual Martyrdom Vest System. Children above the age of 5 are not exempt from this.
All Guild installations under threat of occupation by enemy forces are to engage SARAGARHI protocol and disengage reactor safeties prior to fall. Any individual attempting to countermand any aspect of Condition 5 is to be shot immediately.
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