Logbook entry

OGNI // PAD-AA-Assessment 08043307-FED

04 Aug 2021SSNAKE666
The Office of Guild Naval Intelligence
Projections and Assessments Division: ARCHANGEL

The Federation continues it's pace of destabilization. The Fortress Liberty command platform has been deployed by FEDNAVCOM to the Kuwembaa system. This has not had the intended effect. Natives in Kuwembaa are incensed rather than intimidated. ELINT and SIGINT stations have picked up definitive signs of military mobilization. ARCHANGEL projections of the likelihood of open warfare breaking out at 82% based upon a debrief of [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G].

New reports have come in via HUMINT sources that a significant number of the arrests carried out by the Proactive Detection Bureau have nothing to do with preventing dissatisfied systems from seceding from the Federation government. Rather many individuals arrested have been associated with various labor rights groups and workers unions. Several arrests appear, from analysis of various data feeds, to have been entirely based upon personal grievances as opposed to anything else. The arrest of one individual in particular, [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] appears to be because the targeted individual was engaged in an extramarital affair with the partner of a mid-level official in the PDB.

These abuses of the PDB, far beyond the scope of the original mandate, if released onto the public net at large, would undoubtedly fan the flames of secession. There are more systems than publicly acknowledged, which are hotbeds of resentment. Adding to this, groups which have long been opposed to the Federation in general have been fanning the flames of the situation and agitating natives in disaffected systems. Imperial Intelligence Service in particular have activated multiple cells in [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] to attempt to throw those systems into a state of civil war.

[REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] activated pending the implementation of [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G] if necessary to neutralize the [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G]. This will undoubtedly cause upheaval however it may be necessary if the situation is one of self gain instead of in relation to [REDACTED per NAVSECDIR 7742-G].

The situation will continue to be monitored.
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