Logbook entry

Trouble in Orionis.

06 Sep 2021Hark Pendragon
"They should be here soon sir." The bridge Commander stated.

"I'll be waiting in the debriefing room." I said "Send them my way."

I walked into the debriefing room and took a seat at the head of the table. I sat there waiting for one of my most decorated and intelligent officers. Tapping my thumbs on the table in a generic rhythmic pattern. I get anxious when any of my officers go on missions solo but Rolkein insists on flying solo often. I can't argue with his results, so I don't object much when he says he's going. Just as I leaned back and raised a leg to rest it on the table the door whipped open.

Two figures walked in. Jericho in his usual functional sophisticated attire and a new face. I looked him over as they split one walking on either side of the table. His suit looked dirty and battered like he had been in 'it' for awhile. I turned my focus to Jericho.

"Chief!" said Jericho in a direct but friendly tone "This is Val Karad. I believe he can be an asset to our cause."

"Well, Karad." I said casually "Do you think you can be an asset?"

"I know I have some special skills that not many others have." He spoke with confidence and caution. Not to divulge too much information.

"Jericho is one of my brightest officers and I trust his judgment." I explained as a grin slid onto my face.

Just then the comm link at the center of the table woke up "Officer Rolkein! Eddie has been compromised and is moving in on Ambassador Crest's location!" exclaimed Tara from the other end.

Jericho and I looked at each other. "Tara! Find somewhere to hide Crest. Hark will contact his local assets at Veblen Station to get him out of there." Jericho directed in his usual poised tone. "Val you're with me. Hark do your thing."

Jericho and Val left promptly and I began contacting some locals I had spoke with before while negotiating a political foothold in the system. Man, I hope Nathan is ok he's a very talented operative and a good friend. I hate being stuck in this situation. Waiting. Just as I started pacing the room I get a response from 14 I Orionis Vision Systems.

"We recieved your transmission CSO Pendragon. What is the current situation?"

"I have an operative currently at Veblen. He is hidden but being hunted. I need proof of a secure line before we discuss this situation any further."

"Sending encoded key now. Key sent waiting on your response sir."

The key come through and I imput the code that come through to me. Once the encoded link was made I explained what I knew about the situation and where to meet Crest for extraction. Then I let Tara know when and where to send Crest.

"..and Tara, let Crest know we won't leave him. We're coming for him."

I went to my cache and grabbed my gear. Then sent SO Game a message. "Grab your gear and meet me at the hanger. We're going to get Crest!"

TROUBLE IN ORIONIS | Saving Crest with no vision | ACE up the sleeve
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