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Saving Crest with no vision.

09 Sep 2021Hark Pendragon
Drifting in supercruise, going over the recent events in my head. How did it go so sideways I thought to myself. Who would want him dead? The Workers Party is obvious because he was working against them but that's too simple. Just then my comms panel lit up.

"Pendragon, are you there?" An all too familiar voice chattered.

"Yes, loud and clear Game." I responded casually.

"Velben correct?" Game zipped back

"Yes, when we get there OVS will have pads one and two ready for us. We won't have to request docking. We're keeping our presence quiet."

"Aye, Commander."

We set off from the arrival point to Veblen Station. I brought A.I.S. Excalibur. A very heavily engineered Viper mk4 utilizing guardian tech. It's fast, quick, and is tough and packs a lot of punch if needed. Looks stock and catches most unfriendly pilots off guard. Game brought his Vulture dubbed 'The Hunter'. The name speaks for itself. As we approach the station we drop out of supercruise. Almost instantly I get a bad feeling in my gut then moves to my chest and into my spine.

"Stay alert Game something feels off." I say in a calm voice.

"Hi Chief Senior Officer Pendragon. This is Franklin Grant, broker with 14 I Orionis Vision. Welcome to Velben we've kept landing pad 1 and pad 2 clear for you and Senior Officer Game." A voice chattered over the voice comms cheerfully. "I hope we can resolve this issue quickly and efficiently!"

"We appreciate it."

Just then it clicked in my head. OVS would want Crest dead. We accomplished their mission. We wouldn't be in the reports if Crest disappeared because we have no presence here. They would look like heros for stopping an insurrection in their system and would gain even more power. In Orionis. They would have the funds to turn Eddie because their a corporation!

"Game. Go silent then jump out it's a trap." I quickly but calmly instructed.


"Commander Pendragon where is your college going?" Asked Grant almost instantly as Game was charging his FSD.

"He's headed back. Everything is under control here, correct?" I pointed out

"Yes, but.."

"Then he doesn't need to dock. He was just escorting me."

Just as he jumped to supercruise I went silent and charged my FSD. Deploying heatsinks to prevent Excalibur from overheating.

"Sir, you cannot leave as well. Someone has to find your operative!"

"Find? I thought you had him in a safe house?"

I got no reply system security started moving in on me. Just as my FSD was about to finish charging I boosted pass them with a flash I vanished into supercruise. Knowing they were coming after me and knew my ship at this point I high waked out of there. I contacted Game so we could rendezvous at a near by station. Plucker Orbital in HIP 23575. Once we had landed I began reaching out to some local Mercenary groups. I found a group who hated corporate overlords. Just the type that wouldn't listen to bribes from OVS. I contracted them to get agent Crest off of Velben and to Rawn Works on Orionis 9. Where they would hand him over to Game and I personally. While doing this Game secured the transport of my T10 the A.I.S Dragon to Plucker. By the time it had arrived and we traveled back to Rawn the mercs. should be almost finished with their mission. I contacted Tara but got no response.

"Something is very wrong Game."

"Why? What's going on?"

"I'm not getting a response from Tara." I said concerningly

"You don't think..." Game responded shocked by the thought of Tara betraying us.

I sat there in shock for a moment. Then I remembered a time way back in pilots school when Jericho, Tara, Game, and I vowed to always protect each other no matter where our new freedom would take us. She's always held up to that.

"No, I doubt it." I confidently muttered "Comms are some how jammed I'm sure."

"You're right. No way that could happen."

"HARK! ARE YOU THERE?!?!" Tara blared across my mobile comm link.

"Yes! Loud. And. Clear. Tara!" I pumped a fist in Games direction.

I filled Tara in on what happened and the plan. She explained that OVS had her comms jammed but she finally decoded the encryption and now had full communication with everyone.

"Landing pad 3 then to Rawn Works. Got it Commander! She chimed as the comm link shut down.

"Dragon is here Hark." Game announced as we both watched the behemoth as it is shuttled in.

"Suit up. Let's go get our boy!"

TROUBLE IN ORIONIS | Saving Crest with no vision | ACE up the sleeve
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