Logbook entry

Empire Gold Rush

28 Aug 2023Uze
**Location:** Empire-controlled Gold Rush System


Found myself swept up in the Empire's gold rush frenzy. Decided to cash in on a stash of gold I've had tucked away. Credits came flowing in, no questions asked by Empire types. Played it casual, kept my history in the dark.

It's a peculiar dance, truth be told—me, not exactly waving the Empire flag, but hey, credits have their own language. Those digital numbers ticking up on my account, they've got a way of speaking to me. A reminder that this galaxy thrives on subtlety, not always allegiance.

As I look ahead to the next play, I'm reminded that in the grand scheme, loyalties aren't always what they seem. Calculated choices guide me, and the shadows I navigate aren't new territory. Onward to the next step in this intricate dance.

**End Entry**
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