Logbook entry

Operation PYMEX Sanctioned to depart 10 November 3302

09 Nov 2016SGopher81
With the HR 783 Imperial Society in a steady position, despite the recent war defeat in Li Na and current war in Glete that is missing any combat zones, Commander Stephen Gordon has received clearance from Governer Frances McDowell to pursue other interests and recharge his batteries given recent exertions to help the faction expand. The Society is present in 9 systems and controls 4 so is a regional power in this backwater part of space.

Stephen is a known explorer, and whilst not Elite in the category already has significant 'first explored' finds from past expeditions into 'the black'. This upcoming expedition appears to be a hybrid mission; Operation PYMEX stands for PYthon Mining and EXploration and will see the INS Gopher equipped for mining and a maximum cargo of 128T. Commander Gordon explained that with a range of 24-30LY per jump the Gopher is well equipped for the exploration part of the expedition, and only valuable commodities such as Osmium (mining missions are always looking for this) and Painite (high value in markets) will be sought to maximise the gains from the voyage.

A secondary consideration is the exploration of unknown space for new worlds and resources that can be exploited as humanity continues to expand through the galaxy. Stephen confirmed that part of the data will be used to build 'allied' status with the Sirius Corporation in order to gain the permit for Marco Qwent, as a gate to Professor Palin and the hallowed G5 dirty drive upgrades.

The expedition is scheduled to last for 1 month, but this is dependant on the progress made, both mining and exploration, and is subject to alteration at any time.
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