Logbook entry

Operation Imperial Search Initiated

04 Jan 2017SGopher81
With the HR 783 Imperial Society enjoying a boom period and having fended off two wars in Apotenile, a system that whilst nominally under Imperial rule may as well be anarchy given the the level of conflict in recent times, an exhausted Commander Stephen Gordon has decided to head out to the stars in search of new territory that the Empire could expand into in the future.

With the IES Seeker configured for between 47-51LY jump capacity this will be a long-range mission that is likely to take some period of time. The first target is the NGC 7822 nebula which is circa 2,300LY from HR 783. After this has been explored then another nebula will be targeted, which at this point has been unconfirmed and will largely depend on what is visible from this region of space.

Commander Gordon has said privately that he wants to explore several thousand star systems during this exploration journey, so when we may hear from him again in inhabited space is very much up in the air at this point.
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