Logbook entry

Imperial Search Continues

19 Jan 2017SGopher81
The IES Seeker continues its voyage, and currently lies in the IC 1396 Sector systems, circa 3KLY from HR 783.

Recent exploration has taken the systems visited up to circa 250 at this stage, and also resulted in the first Earth-Like World being discovered. It was a joy to behold after all this time, but we know these planets are rare and it may be some time before another is found. Strangely no ammonia worlds have been discovered yet, but given the length of time this expedition is likely to last it's only a matter of time.

The Seeker's hull is down at 49% after a laughable landing attempt on a planet, quickly followed by a comical jump into a canyon wall that destroyed the only SRV on board. So there will be no more planetary exploration for this voyage.

See you all in the black Commanders!
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