Logbook entry

Another Journey, Different Direction

20 Jul 2017SGopher81
After my last exploration jaunt, some time was spent trying to fortify Imperial space around HR 783 but it wasn't going well. I think there are other factors acting against the Empire and there is only so much I can do on my own. I'm proud of my efforts in expanding Imperial influence but the time has come for a change, well 2 in fact!

Change 1 is that I have bought an Anaconda, kitted out for exploration and mining, and set a course for Sag A* for a long jaunt among the stars. I'm after painite so it's all about metallic rings for me, a few have been exploited so far but not much sitting in the cargo hold for now. Still, with circa 200 limpets in stock this is just the beginning. Will I make it as far as the black hole? Who knows, and some of that depends on Change 2!

Change 2 is a change of faction support. With Inara Nexus rising and a strong community behind it, this is exactly what I've been searching for. I'll explore until the faction gets some assets, primarily a full starbase that I can dock the IMES Dig & Find to sell my cargo and exploration data. I'll then transfer the fleet over and join the chase for expansion and glory. This will be a new chapter in my Pilot Federation career and am very much looking forward to it!
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