Cmdr Numa
Freelancer / Privateer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette NU-03F
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

Finding my feet

02 May 2021Numa
It's been a while, a long while. The galaxy had been asleep for quite some time, and I was enjoying what I had. I've gotten wealthy. But then in hindsight it wasn't all quiet. In the middle of the dullest period of recorded galactic history a mining craze emerged, after which private ownership of megaships became legal. Now I live in a mobile home, capable of doing jumps that no ship could ever dream of. Yet soon we'll transform from eagles into ants again. The galaxy feels bigger as we finally get to stretch our legs soon and get out of our ships and SRVs. To become slower. To become more vulnerable. To narrow our perspective. Or to widen it, as we see the true scale of things for the first time. But then again we can also turn our back to that and take to the skies again, like we always have. The galaxy has become alive again, there's things to do, news to follow. Only the Thargoids are, strangely, absent.
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